Well, anyone who started listing all the ways LePage is wrong about this and everything else would be here all day. All you have to do is look at that face—a small-minded, world-hating Babbitt out of Central Casting.
“According to the governor, Maine police are nine times more likely to arrest people of color for selling drugs than white people, even though we know white people are just as likely to commit drug offenses,” Alison Beyea, executive director of the ACLU’s Maine chapter, said in a statement.
Well, it’s easier to arrest black people because, you know, they look different from white folks. Besides, why would any black person come to Maine other than to sell drugs?
It’s always some other skin colors fault isn’t it Paul. I guess he’s “not a racist” as much as Hitler wasn’t anti-Semitic.
Really hard to believe that Trumpf didn’t pick LePage as his running mate.
You’re insulting Babbitt. LePage looks like a small-time Gauleiter.
In LePage’s defense, he was obviously misquoted. Surely he must have said “I’ll prove to you I’m a racist, you socialist…” Otherwise, it just doesn’t make sense.
A suggestion: https://www.facebook.com/ImpeachGovLePage/
"What’s wild is that just days before the governor painted a picture of drug dealers in his state as sex-starved black men, a white man and two white women were arrested for distributing heroin throughout Maine.
Last year, in a record-setting drug bust, 15 people were arrested. At least 13 were white and none appeared to be African-American."
Fair enough. Or you could say a gym teacher, a lecherous minister, anybody with minor authority to abuse and dark impulses not entirely governed.
What a massive (in all senses of the word) jackass.
Drug dealing by white people goes back a long ways in Maine.
LePage: My mind is made up, don’t confuse me with the facts.
Actually, that could be written on the flag of TrumpWorld.
No one sells drugs without customers.
Who is buying the drugs ?
Since Maine according to him is 95% white…
I’ll get out my calculator and do some quick math
He’s Trumptastic!
…why would any black person come to Maine other than to sell drugs?
To get shot?
But they can get shot most anywhere.
True that.
Racist shitbag conservative says racist shitbag things. how shocking.
As a native-born Mainer, (I left the state before I could vote), I think I saw 3 black people in Portland while growing up as a child. Many small towns and villages north of Portland have zero black folks on the census rolls. Yes, many many dozens of towns are 100% white, even today.