Maine is 95% white. Perhaps he needs to address the people of color who are using the drugs.
(Bone being centered around the Kennebunkport Beach Club)
Maine is 95% white. Perhaps he needs to address the people of color who are using the drugs.
(Bone being centered around the Kennebunkport Beach Club)
Nah can’t get a rhythm going… say Trump Pence 3 times and see what happens…
trump pence trump pence trump pence trumpet trumpet
Hmmm. This sounds suspiciously like Bloods vs. Crips doesn’t it?; "“Look, a bad guy is a bad guy, I don’t care what color it is. When you go to war, if you know the enemy, the enemy dresses in red and you dress in blue, you shoot at red, don’t you?”
I guess LePage thinks gang warfare is OK as long as one of the gangs is WHITE.
Or wearing white sheets.
Jesus Christ, Maine. STOP IT
Back during the last racial rant of LaPage he claimed that he wasn’t getting the help he had been screaming for. So now he wants big bad government’s help? Where that rugged individualism that Republicans like to preach?
To get white girls pregnant youse idjits
Perhaps Donald Trump can travel to Maine and co-host with Gov. Paul “Kids, if you want some fun” Le Page an “Operation Fried Chicken and Watermelon” outreach campaign towards African-Americans, just like the recent “Operation Taco Bowl” in Orange County, CA., which was attended by a grand total of about 50 Hispanics out of a county Hispanic population of over 400K.
In war, there are two enemies — you are mine, and I am yours.
Page seems to believe he’s at a carnival shooting gallery, where the other side doesn’t shoot back. Which may be apt under the circumstances, until the little duckie rears up and takes a shot at its enemy.
This man is mentally ill. He’s paranoid and delusional. Law enforcement officers are morally and duty bound to refuse his orders.
I could tell Governor LePew that in guerrilla warfare, nobody wears uniforms. But I don’t want to find out how terrible his aim is.
You forgot the GOP’s favorite shade: Entitlement White.
So LePage is a Crip? Huh.
I read some where, and someone told me that there is a parasite that invades the brains of a moose, causing damage to the central nervous system.
I think LePage should be tested immediately.
LePage labeled him a “socialist cocksucker” and lamented that duels were no longer an acceptable way to settle disagreements.
The Governor of a state wishing he could murder a state legislator. Why is he not in jail? A common citizen would be.
More importantly…Texas, you’d better watch your rear view mirror, Maine coming up on the outside and ready to pass.
I thought Maine was part of the “liberal northeast?” LMAO……crackers gon cracker
In any other place on the planet, this guy would be toast. Maine, you guys know what you have to do.
Meanwhile, I’m going to profile fat middle-aged white guys with big mouths…
Portland is basically a suburb of Boston now ( ) but it is true that the more north one travels in Maine, the fewer non-whites you find. In many places it is a rarity to see non-whites, blacks especially, but times are changing.
Eat this, LaPage:
“The FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Service reported that, in 2014, 1,211 people were arrested for selling or making drugs in Maine, and, of those, 170 – or 14.1 percent – were black.”
Portland Press Herald
The ACLU filed a Freedom of Access Act request for the governor’s binder.
Typical socialist c__ksucker move. Regular c__ksuckers would seek freedom of access to his c__k, and capitalist ones to his portfolio.
LePage has made these claims before, saying that Maine’s opioid crisis was the fault of out-of-state drug dealers with names like “Shifty” and “D-Money” who bring drugs in from New York City.
Don’t forget Smoothie!