Discussion: LePage Addresses Racist Comments: 'My Brain Was Slower Than My Mouth'

Whenever you hear Republicans bemoan the scourge of political correctness - because according to them it’s apparently one of the worst problems facing us - this is what they are talking about. They want this stain to be able to make statements like this without blow back. (They’re just mad he didn’t use the n-word.)


that “guys with the name D-Money, Smoothie” and “Shifty” who sell heroin in Maine often “impregnate a young, white girl before they leave.”

I always get this mixed up.
Are dinosaurs reptiles?
Or is this reptile a dinosaur?



We need to study what it is about white culture that makes their girls such sluts?


Maine residents have no one but themselves to blame for LeDouche sitting in the governor’s mansion!
If you didn’t get out and vote not once but twice, you’re the one’s that put this repulsive jerk to lead your state!

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Cowardly racists are the worst. Be an adult and own your horrible opinions. Trying to pretend that you were tragically or maliciously misunderstood to weasel out of what everybody – both your critics and sympathizers – know you meant just makes you look like a coward.

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the Gov seems to have forgotten Archie Bunker was satire and not a role model.



Hence the insidiousness of the dog whistle.

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This guy is so deeply racist and stupid he doesn’t understand what he said.

A shout out to the rich 1% Cutler for getting this moron re-elected.


I can’t quite get my mind around his logic … but it seems to me that he’s also calling the Maine “White Girls” a bit loose … must be time for re-election in New England’s answer to Alabama.
(Ok, I do know that his elections was NOT a plurality, but he’s still in office …)

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Sometimes one of them accidently lets their real thoughts slip out without the code words in front of mixed company…oops! Now the better controlled folks are going to have to decide whether to sweep him back under the rug or let him fend for himself. Probably it depends on what he has on them.


It’s always projection. Always.


No, I think LePage’s main point is that Maine women should be knocked up by Maine men. In a consensual manner, of course. See, both parents of the baby must be Maine citizens in order for the child to be able to vote or run for Governor. Or something. Because… Freedom! I think. But yes, LePage is an equal-opportunity governor, and he wants women of all skin tones to be knocked up. But by Maine men. Manly Maine men.


The middle guy looks like a future GOP candidate for state office.

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He’s full of shit. You know it and so do I. But lets take it apart.

Interrogators and even more so folks that sit in on interrogations as “lie detectors” don’t concern themselves with the literal meaning of the words you said. Its what you said for what purpose and under what condition…that counts. In this case the Gov. was talking about crime purportedly. But why all the gang name crap? . He wasn’t bringing up those names because he thought you might want to send them a letter or look them up on Google. He wanted you to see “Black”. We know what the names are about.

“White women” and Mainer Women" are not synonymous. White and Main cannot be used interchangeably, even in Maine, and it’s not done in Lilly White Maine. It’s not how you handle English. Using White for Maine or just women without the adjective ( no adjective was needed ) is beyond the realm of mistake in this context. Beyond awkward. Couple that with the also unnecessary citation of those names and you get a conclusion. He wanted to make it a Black on White thing. And he did it in Jungle Fever fashion. Black men screwing White women. The drugs didn’t concern him.

LePage would fit right in with the Ferguson police force…shoot now and ask questions later!

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Ummmm, Mr LePage, your comment did indeed intimate that the drug dealers were in fact black:

“These are guys with the name D-Money, Smoothie, Shifty… these types of
guys… they come from Connecticut and New York, they come up here, they
sell their heroin, they go back home,” LePage said, according to the
report. "Incidentally, half the time they impregnate a young, white girl
before they leave, which is a real sad thing because then we have
another issue we have to deal with down the road.”

That quote, sir, indicates the race of the drug dealers quite nicely.

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I dunno about them white girls in Maine, seems like a pretty loose bunch, however what is a real scandal is that the guys from Maine are not doing the knocking up themselves, what’s the matter with those boys? do they need testosterone shots? viagra? vitamins? are they all gay? are thay all as dumb as their governor?


Mainers are so dumb that not only elected LePage TWICE, but they also are incapable of properly servicing those young and willing white girls and they need outsiders to do it.

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LePage opened the news conference by paraphrasing the iconic movie
character Rocky Balboa. He then said he wouldn’t apologize, instead
offering that "my brain was slower than my mouth."

Heee taaaalllks reeeaaallll slloooww.

He says he won’t apologize and then 3 sentences later he apologizes to all Maine women. That’s a ssslooow brain right there folks,

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