Even his (spurious) defensive claim is racist. He was thinking in his head “the real women of Maine”, and it came out “white women”.
Racist is as racist does.
Even his (spurious) defensive claim is racist. He was thinking in his head “the real women of Maine”, and it came out “white women”.
Racist is as racist does.
We were sandbagged (twice) by an independent who threw the election to LePage. LePage never got over 42% of the popular vote, so it wasn’t a matter of lazy, disengaged or uninformed Mainers.
Does this mean he believes in the spirit versus the word of the constitution?
How do you think he got elected in the first place?
JS, you don’t have much of a leg to stand on defending Maine voters if 42% of Mainers vote for this clown, especially in a 3-way race. Lazy? Likely a valid jibe, if one assumes that a lot of more sensible people just stayed home. Uninformed? Definitely, if they voted for this clown that’s the best that can be said about them. Stupid? 42% stupid? That’s a grim assessment, but seemingly deserved.
Practicing Maine Governor and full-time bolt-sorter at the Augusta Coast-to-Coast hardware store enraged that people figured out he’s speaking in code.
Calling LePage a sexist pig is an insult to sexist pigs everywhere.
Is LePage the most odious public figure since George Wallace? I think yes. And Wallace repented in his later years, which LePage won’t do, if only because he’s too damn dumb.
So calling out ‘white’ women for getting pregnant by Shifty and D-money is not racist…got it.
95% wHITE, 5% D-monkey HEROIN BlacKS and 1000% libtard.
Yea it has nothing at all to do with race, it’s just about the names… and white girls …black girls can get pregnant by guys with these names all they want. See I’m completely open minded and color blind…god damn who do these dumb fucks think they are fooling?
SHIFty could be A WHite GUY that DRIVes a MANUAL TransMISSIon car. IT’s a true FAct that THE BLAck IS not SMArt ENOUGH to DRIVe a MANuaL TransMISSIOn car. SO whose the RAcist PLAYIng the RAce CArd?
Seriously, what is it with this guy?
They come and impregnate our white women…Well, I didn’t say “they” were black! Then why would you say it at all?
And the alternative is that you DON’T care if they impregnate your minority women!
I won’t apologize, I’ll just explain.
Hey Gov’ how’s that hole you’re diggin’?
Purty good! Just keeps getting deeper!
I am sticking with my assessment. The people who threw their vote away and voted for the hopeless 3rd party candidate were either uninformed or didn’t care. And while Maine did have the highest voter turnout in the country in 2014, it was still only 58% - that means that a full third of the electorate couldn’t even bother to participate, which is pretty sad given the competitive nature of the Guv race and the incompetent boob that Mainers are now stuck with.
My gawwd’ Maine! You deserve so much better than idiot LePage, a racist and bigoted POS who slithered into office while two competitors split 60% of the vote.
No you said that guys with names like D-Money, Smoothie, Shifty knock up white girls…
sure 'nuff. And smoothie is a barista
Oh my GOD it’s D-Money, Smoothie, and Shifty…
Guv Le-Moron seems to have a lock on D-Foot-in-D-mouth…