Discussion: Lena Dunham Rages Against Right Wing Bloggers Accusing Her Of Sexual Abuse

Discussion for article #229643

Never let an opportunity go to waste to lie, misrepresent, and belittle a leftie, right wingers?


“canvases anchored by puffy neon-pink labia”

LOL. Williams is just jealous because the conservative labia he’s able to land are generally dry and strangely grayish. When can we hang him?


Yep, attack her at any opportunity and then she’ll be marked “controversial” and thus unsuitable to comment on matters of import by our media elite.


I’m feeling old here, but I am I supposed to know who this person is?


I was gifted the book because I’ve been a Dunham fan since Girls first appeared on TV. Frankly, I don’t care. If what happened comes as a shock to anyone it’s because most people don’t talk about it. It’s existed since ever and will exist until the day after ever.


Well, I think it’s very, very safe to say that if you had a similarly forthright look at the inner world and private moments, shall we say, of a RWNJ troll like Kevin Williamson, you’d scream and scream like you were one of the first people to enter the home of a souvenir-keeping serial murderer. That’s just a guess but I feel pretty confident about it.


That is covered in the first paragraph of the piece. You might also know the answer to this question if you have in the past month listened to NPR or watched The Daily Show.

Lena Dunham has said and done plenty of stuff as an adult if you really want to attack her, so don’t use something that she did when she was 7 years old.


Pucker factor is high with these jokers. I wonder at times if they’re actually human.

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How could Grace grow up to prefer women in a world with men like Williamson in it? Seriously, don’t these “conservatives” realize their own role in turning young women gay? Meanwhile young men look at the Palin women and say “How could I ever want that?”


What do you expect from angry, old, white guys who have never even SEEN a vagina, more or less have any idea what to do with it.
The very idea of it terrifies them to the point of panic. It’s the only explanation of their obsessive need to “control the vagina”.

Williamson should be more concerned with the Duggars’ turning a vajayjay into a clown car.


Sexual topics…something handled with shaming, guilt, and ignorance by Republican politicians in general… how much harm do they --directly-- create to your friends, your family, your children by their unhealthy and the self-righteous attitudes they thrust upon society?

In the past, I would have attributed this more to religion than politics, but the right has merged these and makes statements and creates policy based on this merger… Christian sharia.


I am a liberal democrat. Do you guys really think it is ok to play with an infant’s genitals as a plaything? Really? I understand that there is a lot of left/right anger wrapped around this debate, but I encourage you guys to consider separating that from the more important issue of child safety. Can you imagine what it is like to have your genitals manipulated from infancy by a more powerful sibling? And it pretty much continues to this day (in the form of privacy invasion)? I know myself as I had that experience. It has taken me many years of healing, crying, grieving, therapy to even remember them. This is not a left right thing. I hope we can all agree that little children have a right to keep their genitals to themselves.


The sad part about this is that this loser from National Review is partially RIGHT!!..working in child welfare I can tell you, that your station in life can often be the difference between “normal curiosity” and “abusive behavior”…families of means are able to have the room for their kids to behave normally…often times families that are poor and reported to the state are “assumed” to be poor parents, and these behaviors often take on a more sinister tone…you can rage against this guy all you want, but on that point he is correct

Soon as he a) becomes a woman and b) has an abortion.

I think it would be more strange for young children to NOT experiment, explore, and learn about their bodies with each other.

And I find Lena Dunham to be horribly pretentious and annoying, so defending her was not my starting point.

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Of course children experiment and are curious. I doubt as someone above said that she was manipulating her sister’s vagina, instead was just curious about it.

Having said that, I don’t particularly find Lena Dunham’s show entertaining but I have friends who do. I do like her as an individual from what I have seen of her interviews. I find Lena Dunham to be an interesting person

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Thank you for saying this.