Discussion: Lena Dunham Rages Against Right Wing Bloggers Accusing Her Of Sexual Abuse

Go and “Watch Tiny Furniture,” her first film; you needn’t bother with “Girls.”

I think it was a stupid idea for her to tell people about that incident. Do we really need to know all her business?

Weeks ago she was on Fresh Air and she was asked about “over sharing.” She made an argument that women’s stories about activities against women are sighted and demeaned. True.

However, every aspect of one’s life need not be shared. Perhaps now she’ll reconsider?


It seems apparent that she’s accusing herself.

I agree with you. I have no idea who Lena Dunham is aside from a rather strange-looking person with shitty grooming habits. And now I also know she was deranged child who fondled her sister.

It doesn’t take much to get right-wing bloggers riled up for one thing. But she chose a couple of the biggies, speaking about the female private part and girls touching girls.

If she had gone so far as to mention abortion or gay marriage, the conservatives would’ve flipped all of their lids. They can’t do bible studies, polish their guns, be closeted fucks about everything and hate on people all at the same time.

I have an idea. Every time anyone mentions the word conservative they have to immediately follow up with vajayjay.

I remember a high school teacher asking me the same question about John Lennon in 1970, and my father asking me the same question about Chuck Berry in 2002.

Oh, the lure of victimhood.

To be sure, there is a line that needs drawing and it includes RWNJ’s being shaken to the core by the mere mention of – vagina. Truth be known, that is the real outrage. Kind of how I feel when someone says “Kevin D. Williamson,” but in my case it is warranted. Yes, folks have been damaged, although not by honesty. KDW does not have an honest or compassionate bone in his body or he might recognize the difference between abuse and the courage to process through something for the benefit of others. It is not okay to attack another human being in the manner of the denigrators in the RW bloVosphere (h/t to bloviate.)