Discussion: Leaked Emails Reveal Colin Powell Sees Trump As ‘A National Disgrace’

Too bad he never ran for president. He’d have a damned good chance of winning – but only if he could get out of the Fascist Bonus Round first.


Donald Trump could say Donald trump was a disgrace and it wouldn’t dent his support.

Donald Trump could shoot Donald Trump on Fifth Avenue and get a 3 point bump up in the polls for doing it.

Donald Trump could say Donald Trump was being secretive and evasive and was hiding something in not releasing his taxes and supporters would cry

“Leave Donald Trump alone!!”


This will be positive (although very mildly) for Drumpf. His supporters are never going to leave him regardless of reality.


He and Condi also called Benghazi a witch hunt in an exchange.


Powell: 100% of Trump’s supporters are supporting someone deplorable.

Nice to see a sane Republican every now and again.


Is it more acceptable to steal private communications when we like what’s in them than when they harm the cause we hold dear?


Somebody really needs to write Profiles in Cowardice. The Deplorable Caucus (and the GOP generally) provide such a target-rich environment.

  1. Colin Powell – refusing to endorse HRC while privately declaring HO a menace. Don’t forget buying into the stovepiped intelligence about Iraqi WMDs in the buildup to Junior’s War, too.
  2. Newt Gingrich – pushing the impeachment of President Clinton while carrying on an illicit affair.
  3. Ted Cruz – pushing a disastrous government shutdown for personal political gain, and failing.

Any other nominees?


Ah, yes, Colin Powell, the closet patriot. Powell could have saved the country in 2004 by blowing the whistle on the war criminals in the Cheney administration, but chose not to. Powell could be a powerful voice against the creeping fascism that is Donald Trump, but chooses not to.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
– Edmund Burke


“I have no comment.”
– Colin Powell


He’s a sane Republican without the courage of his convictions. He’s happy to shovel shit in private, but won’t say it in public even when he has a mouth full.


No it’s not. I’m not cheering this on at all, but if it manages to not just seem to benefit Trump and the Republicans I can take a little pleasure in the result.


Yes, he is a man who knows how to protect his public image better than almost anyone I can think of.
Hillary probably should have taken his advice on how to deal with the email issue.


Trump: Disappointing. Why can’t I be an “International Disgrace”?


In a zero sum game, this is good news for John Mc…err Hillary, right ? :wink:

Yes they did. I do hope that HRC uses the actual e-mail in a series of TV ads. CP is a respected figure, at least in Republiscum circles, and this admission seriously undercuts the holler-out-loud “Ben Gazzi” crowd. I’d also throw in his blaming a host of folks and HRC for the deaths.

Here’s why: especially as a former general, he KNOWS that a determined enemy can and will strike with vigor to destroy the target. Short of having a brigade of foot soldiers backed up by tanks, APC’s and armed helicopters, ‘saving’ the compound and its occupants from a determined foe was near impossible. That and Stevens himself wanted to maintain his low profile as a CIA adjunct staffer in order to keep dealing with unreliable locals. Hence, CP’s being quite disingenuous in his e-mail by blaming everyone and anyone in reach of his fire.

Imagine this: what would he have said if all was exactly the same but he was still SOS and not HRC?

Hah, you can bet the answer would have been TOTALLY DIFFERENT!


Powell will be 80 next April. Is there any damned advanced age in life when someone finally feels free enough and concerned about their legacy they’ll finally start speaking truth to power? WTF is Powell worried about in going public? His book sale numbers for that tome he’s releasing at age 84? Pissing off a few dozen comtemporaries that’ll all be in the grave with him in less than ten years? Buddy, you’re fricking 80. Let your hair down for chrissake.


he is just being a good soldier by keeping his mouth shut.

Isn’t it time for American hackers to release Putin’s private emails? Or do we even have hackers any more? The asymmetry of the situation is bizarre.


They’ll be all … another negro that doesn’t like Trump. Where was he born again?


I believe Powell’s refusal to say things in public is due to his military background, which instills a reflexive, automatic, and unthinking public deference to those who are perceived as being higher on the org chart. I’m not saying it’s right—it’s nuts, considering that he hasn’t been in the service for a long time—but old habits are hard to break, especially for career military.