Utah is extremely white…indeed, extremely blonde and pale white. With lots and lots of little blonde white babies. Great place to be a pediatrician.
These are rural bumpkin police officers from Yewtaw. Is there even colored folks in Yewtaw?
LOL! Wickedly funny…2nd!!
LOL! Wickedly funny…1st!
Oops! my bad…Butch sounding name with deep roots in “nothingness” throws me off!
Sort of a Moon walk type of move
He made the poor life-choice of being born a Black Male.
That right there made him “dangerous” to the lilly-white police department.
You knit a sock just to post on this thread? Mormon (second M silent) Puh-leeze!
“has become an epidemic”
Wrong. It has been this way, in North America, at least since Revolutionary times.
Whenever the truth is revealed, the source of this “preliminary evidence” must be impeached and charged with obstructing/impeding an investigation and do the punishment. There’s far too much of this “convenient untruth” to cover up the “inconvenient truth.”