Discussion: Lawyer: Black Man Shot Dead By Police In Utah Was Running Away

Yep. I don’t expect much from Republicans in Utah, but what about Holder?

After the mid terms, maybe Holder ought to institute a new policy. Shoot an unarmed black man, and the DOJ will be in your business in 10 seconds flat.

Its ok if you suspend the officer with pay, no problem. It’s just that they will be sitting in a federal prison without bail until the details of the shooting are resolved.


So…from the picture 5 of 5 are white. I wonder what it’s like in this little Utan paradise?

There are blacks in Utah?

Yes, it’s a family of five.

Mr. and Mrs. Black, and then their three kids, Biff, Tagg, and Track.


[quote] “We continue to hope that a full investigation will reveal the whole truth about this tragedy.” [/quote] 157 bullets to the head. Damdest suicide I’ve ever seen. Good thang my deputy was there to keep everyone else safe from all the bullets coming from this man.

And after he lunged at the police, they ran around him and shot him in the back.


I feared so much for my life that I ran behind and shot as he was advancing on an unarmed infant who should have been armed

They shoot to kill because left alive there is liability. The department could be sued.

Only a bunch of “wankers” can cook up some nonsense…no wonder that glazed over look on them, shows how delusional, clinical and irreconcilable there pathology is…explain that one, MI(doubl-tizzle)!!

Ah, but of course ‘the system’ - which right wingers have decided they now approve of - will reveal the truth. Of course.

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Mixing metaphors?..Biff, Tagg & Track are Ms. Palin’s children, aren’t they?

Hmmmmm… police lie, you say? Police acting like it’s open season on anyone who dare defy them, you say? Police acting like mercenaries instead of police, boys playing dress up in camouflage in an urban setting?

How could we be possibly be shocked?


There they go, handing out those black bullets again. They never miss. Give em white bullets and they can’t hit the broadside of a barn.
Become a cop requirements:
to fat to chase
can’t tell if being attacked or if someone is running away.
Believes the gun will solve everything.
Has to able to lie with a straight face for 6 months straight without emotion.
Able to receive cop promotions and awards without laughing.
Protect your fellow brethren when they get one finally.
Somewhere in the future, this is all going to blow up big time.

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Ha ha!

Cops and the Truth. The trains that never meet.

As a Democrat and a Utahn, I can do without the sneering and smug attitudes that apparently are offered in place of wit and insight on this particular thread.

And as deplorable as it is, and it is, police shooting of unarmed black men is not an epidemic. A rush to hyperbole doesn’t serve any rationale cause.


RU serious…Shooting of black males is not an epidemic nationwide? C’mon, You must have emerged from a cave to miss news or videos, detailing these incidents over the past 4 months!


If what the lawyer says is true, then I retract my speculation yesterday that it could have been intentional suicide by cop.

Yes, mixing metaphors.

Except only Track is Palin’s Kid. Tagg is Romneys Kid, and Biff just sounds like a good name for a white, Mormon kid from Utah


If it were an epidemic, how would things be different from what they are now?

And if you don’t like the sneering, do something to remove the cause. As long as Mormons go on being Mormons, you’ll just have to grit your teeth and suck it up.


Its a tricky maneuver that apparently all young black men are taught very early. Lunge forward with your back turned and your feet propelling you in the opposite direction.