The taxpayers of Alabama, are, I’m sure totally cool that “excess funds” were used to buy your beach house, Todd.
In Chicago, we are long past outrage over this sort of pilfering. We more or less focus on how stupid/blind we were to miss another opportunity for some easy money. The response here is, “well, I had no idea you could do that!” It was right in front of us the whole time. Sigh.
19th Century ?
Those were good times
We aims to keep them
Hmmmmm…someone carrying on the proud Confederate slave-owner tradition of keeping uppity folks down by starving them?
What an evil man.
As far as over spending their tax money, it seems another case of Alabamians getting what they deserve. Send more poop trains!
“insurance-salvaged corn dogs”
words fail me.
dehumanization, cruel deprivation, profiteering - Republican family values; features not bugs.
Matthew Qualls, now 20, showed the newspaper copies of one of the checks, which was printed with the words “Sheriff Todd Entrekin Food Provision Account.”
This is similar to the “Donald J. Trump Peeing Prostitute Payoff Account.”
Confession: I would have kept a case of the insurance salvaged corn dogs.
Beyond disgusting
This sheriff would have felt right at home in 1930s Germany.
Just like the news coverage of him — informative, enriching, and fair.
That’s Right-Wing “Christians” for you…
Jail him for the rest of his fucking life. Confiscate his assets and put his family on the street. I am sick and tired of being nice to these Trump types. Send them to a deserted island and let them live out their Randian fantasies.
Not only should he go to jail, but his food rations should only include what he’s fed inmates in his county in the last year or so…
Fake news…fake Sheriff Food Provision Account…fake beach house…
What’s fake is the fake nutritious food and the fake inspections. It would be interesting to see how much of the food fund money made it into the pockets of the inspectors. Nice racket you had going there, sheriffs.
The good news is it is not a story about Trump. The bad news is it is a story about a modern horror visited on people with no control or power by someone we all should have trusted. This guy looks like he could handle an enforced stay at his own jail. He could lose some weight.
Cool Hand Luke , without the compassion
Search finds nothing on this on AP or Reuters. (which is troubling. News is that censored?)
Tried to post this on his facebook page:
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Hey, it’s legal right.?..what a depraved ,miserable wretch…