Discussion for article #239445
“Gov. Jindal opposes the tearing down of these historical statues and has instructed his staff to look into the Heritage Act to determine the legal authority he has as governor to stop it,” Jindal spokesman Doug Cain said in an email to the newspaper.
But according to the Advocate, no such “Heritage Act” exists in Louisiana. "
Now that’s a Friday assignment everyone wishes they received. “What authority does this Act give me?” Take rest of the day off and then send in an email “Absolutely none, because there is no such Act. See you on Monday!”
“Gee. Dad, I was under the gun to write that history paper at short notice. I’m sure sorry I made up a few facts, but I think I still wrote a neat assignment. But, you’re right, Dad. Please don’t tell Marcia, because she always got a better grade in history from Mr. O’Brien.”
What a dork!
Meanwhile, the turtle from the children’s Presidential announcement video just got custody of the Jindal kids…
He is not only a desperate little man - but obviously not even minimally competent in Louisiana law.
Every time I think his pandering can’t go any lower Bobby proves me wrong.
I just can’t fathom the stupidity of this man.
He’s too fucking stupid to realize how fucking stupid he really is.
This guy is the epitome of a slime ball
And it would have worked too, if it weren’t for you meddling …newspapers.
Listen to you people nitpick.
Does exist, doesn’t exist–these are such minor details for a bold visionary like Jindal.
The point is, AMERICA! Including the Confederate parts. Maybe just the Confederate parts if you’re going to throw a law book in his face every time he tries to do something.
Brown University graduate, Rhodes Scholar (Oxford)…so much for that high-value education, eh Piyush?
Yup, he’s a perfect poster boy for the Dunning-Kruger effect. Sadly, that doesn’t distinguish him from most of his competitors.
More of Jindal’s fractured fairy tales. Competence is frowned upon in the Republican Party.
Honestly, it’s baffling. He’s obviously not good at it, he can’t possibly be having any fun—why continue to put yourself through the endless frustration and disappointment? I’m a big believer in what W.C. Fields said about situations like this: “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Then quit. No use being a damn fool about it.”
Li’l Piyush is a walking talking example of the Dunning-Kruger Effect.
Bobby is just the lamest of the lame. So fucking lame.
A credo of mine:
You can’t know how smart you aren’t-- until you realize what it is you don’t know.
Jindal often proves he’ll never approach such simple enlightenment.
Jindal again reveals himself to be a true modern-day Republican. He is not only stupid, but ignorant and talented at saying anything regardless of its veracity or rationality.