Discussion: Law Jindal Wanted To Use To Halt Removal of Confederate Memorials Doesn't Exist

This may be getting overused, but only because these guys keep proving their stupidity.


It’s part of a theme with Republicans. It’s like their version of the Constitution which exists only in their heads.


Bobby J. On the wrong side of everything!


It IS nice to see a newspaper doing what it’s supposed to do.


The following definitely applies to Jindal! Just insert Jindal’s name wherever Cleese uses the Fox name!

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“Law?! You are not the Law! I am the Law!”

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Josh is right. Trump is a vortex of stupid and it’s sucking them all in.


He doesn’t have to destroy anything, just move them. I suggested next to the dempstey dumptsters whe UT decided to move it’s statues. To logical, I know.

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Ya know, there are many many things that I do not have a good grasp of regarding law in Louisiana and it is a good thing that IM NOT THE FUCKING GOVERNOR ! !

Jindal’s incompetence seems to know no bounds —

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“We need to stop being the stupid party,” said Governor Jindal.

“…you first,” replied Louie Gohmert.


Even if such a law did exist …

Isn’t this an example of government interference? Which supposedly Republicans hate with the heat of 1000 hydrogen bombs?

After all how dare business people be prevented to put in that minimal. Who cares that the building has been there for 150 years.

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The law doesn’t exist? That’s just a technicality! Piyush could “will” the law into existence if he really felt like it.

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Actually, he’s fairly intelligent. But he knows that his constituencies aren’t particularly smart; he can shovel bullshit to them all day, and they’ll gobble it up. This is for them, not us rational, real world, folks.


Pander Fail.


I see no evidence of real intelligence in the man. There’s a bunch of really impressive looking academic credentials in his resume, but he’s the clearest possible example of the way that academic achievement doesn’t always denote or require what most intelligent people would consider real intelligence. There’s no evidence of any reflection, any introspection, not the first whiff of critical thinking, and no clear sign that he’s even particularly well-read.

You see this kind of thing a lot in physicians (which Jindal was studying to be) and engineers and, yeah, some lawyers, They have a kind of intelligence that lets them grind through the stuff they’re required to read and regurgitate it back out on the exam in a well organized fashion, but they invariably believe that having mastered difficult specialist material, they’re experts in things they know nothing about and thus need to make no inquiry and learn nothing more. Almost invariably, they are afflicted with a religious beliefs that border on or are well into the realm of mania.


Do Republicans understand the concepts of national elections? They understand that they need more than just their racist base to win, right? Or no? And, does this clown Jindal realize that if his ancestry were in States during the Confederacy, they, more than likely, would have been enslaved? Apparently not! I want to know what it is to be this dumb. Must be liberating in a way to not have to worry about things like facts, or truths…just be an effing idiot.


I was about to add to the scorn we all feel for Piyush, but your post really places his actions in perspective, ALONG WITH THE ACTIONS OF FOX AND THE MSM.

Geared for the consumption of people who are hateful and ignorant (FOX)
Geared for the consumption of people too distracted to read or pay attention (MSM)

Scott Walker is a Doofus. But his handlers and financial supporters are Mensa people.

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In a way your post “contradicts” my last one.

But it doesn’t really. Not at all.

Ya know, I’ll bet he read about it on the interwebs.


HEY!!! Piyush… you need more than changing your name to Bobby to understand the Confederacy… its NOT your personal heritage at stake here… get a clue… you’d’ve been one of the people the North was fighting to free…