Discussion for article #240004
¨McKinley Assassinated Again¨
Sure, but on the upside, it hurts a lot less the second time around.
Does this mean Teddy’s president again?
Obama’s next move will be to put Margaret Sanger’s picture on the $500
Alaska GOP supported the name change. Why aren’t they celebrating that the GOP finally got something they wanted from Obama?
I’m curious what Sarah Palin will have to say about this. On one hand, it is predictable that she will bash Obama, on the other hand bashing this will not be taken kindly by people of Alaska. My guess is that she’ll just ignore it.
Slow news day, Laura?
I hope President Obama’s next move is to suggest that Martin Luther King’s image be added to Mount Rushmore.
Right after he renames it Mount Malcolm X.
THAT’S what I want to see but I realize that McConnell and Boner wouldn’t allow the Alaska GOP to publicly show any gratitude towards POTUS, no matter how hard they wanted it to happen.
As if any of these numbnuts ever thought about McKinley until this mountain renaming. Now all of a sudden he’s the original Reagan.
Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. The GOP is good at that.
Native peoples massacred again…
My God, these people are whiny.
Laura Ingraham is playing the drama queen…again. Some of Dinesh D’Souza’s nuttiness must have “rubbed off” when she was consorting with him, so to speak…
Republicans truly are insane.
“McKinley Assassinated Again”
Ah, yes. No longer having a mountain named for you is the exact same thing as being murdered. Only atop Bullshit Mountain does that even begin to make sense.
"Obama changes mountain’s name as erasure of our history continues.
What history is being erased? Obama restored the mountain to it’s original name, the name it continues to be known as by Alaskans and climbers, the people who really give a shit about it’s name in the first place. He didn’t somehow wipe McKinley from history. The man still existed. What Obama did was restore history by renaming the mountain it’s actual name.
They are caricatures of themselves at this point.
Laura Ingraham is one mean old bull dagger lez, isn’t she?
I’ve got to admit, even after all these years i’m actually surprised the nimrods on the right freaked out this hard over this. I thought it would be a 24-hr news cycle thing then drop off the radar. But then again, the way they are hyping Clinton’s email server as if it were a Breaking Bad lost episode, I guess I should not be surprise by them latching on to a triviality and blowing it WAY out of proportion like this. Anything so that they don’t have to talk about Trump and his super popular politics.
They are such sad, pathetic human beings.