The symbolic vestiges of white dominance, supremacy and manifest destiny. This is what they mean when they use the word “Heritage” (with a capital H). It is why the entire confederate flag excuse revolves around that word. Obama just symbolically took something symbolic away from them, symbolically reminding them that demographic shifts and reality are doing likewise in a non-symbolic way without anyone lifting a finger. This was, in effect, a giant affront to what they believe is their birthright: white dominance of our society and culture and the privilege that comes with it. This “renaming” (setting aside that it was not such thing really) functions as a caustic reminder to them of the waning of those things.
Their leaders certainly appear to be, since a classic definition of insanity is not knowing the difference between right and wrong. The right thing to do was to restore the proper name to this mountain. If dubya had done it, I would have applauded him for it.
When I Google “denali -obama” (that is, give me search results about denali without “Obama” being mentioned, I get over 22 million results.
When I Google “mt. mckinley -obama”, I get about 2.5 million results.
Now, Denali also describes a national park and an SUV, but it sure seems like the real world thinks a lot more about Denali than Mt. McKinley. So, sure “our” history is being erased but that history has been pretty damn fuzzy for a long time.
Excellent. They are sad, pathetic creatures doing the only thing they know to do. Wish I could find it in my heart to actually feel sorry for them…nope, can’t do it.
In a way in which irrational hatred can be expressed INSTITUTIONALLY.
Like taking orders in an army
Like following dictates of a religion
Like being part of a Master Race
Like being an adherent to an ideology
Check the makeup of the Nazis’ Einsatzgruppen. They consisted of, among other things, priests, ministers, doting husbands and fathers, good neighbors, tailors and schoolteachers…Doing what they had been induced to believe as what “must be done”
The Republican Party is now a cult, whose members are not so much following individually well thought-out policy positions as are aligning their fears, hatreds and resentments on an ideological set of often contradictory talking points they see as representing something–powerful and self-satisfying–larger than themselves: The Last Stand of the Real Americans.
In order to keep up that degree of commitment to the ideas (illogical to outsiders as they may seem) they believe, Republicans are capable of acts rational people would not have thought possible just a few years ago. Things like ignoring an exponential increase in Iranian nuclear activity during the G.W. Bush years but focusing on the treaty designed to deal with the result. Failing to pass a Senate-passed Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill then going crazy over armies of Mexican “rapists”. Using racial imagery increasingly more blatantly.
Most people can see that the poison of the Right is now far more deeply felt by its practitioners than the 1980s Reagan years, the 1990s Clinton years and even the 2000s Bush years.
The MSM is enabling this state of affairs proportionately.
And it is important to remember that Einsatzgruppen were not dealing with people as despised by Germans as American minorities are despised by Republicans
People with a brain know that Plucky Surely this is expected. The Right Wing has gotten in line on this issue (as they do on all things to do with Obama) and they will use it until they realize it’s getting them nowhere.
It is astonishing that this is 54% of republicans - not just trump supporters. Gee I know a few republicans and not one of them believes Obama is a muslim or was not born here. I guess they are the minority if this poll is accurate
If one were in a totally homogeneous social environment
If one were RAISED in a totally socially homogeneous environment
If one were watching FOX 12 hours-a-day
If one were listening to Talk Radio 2 or more hours a day
If one’s remaining time was spent talking to people who watch FOX and listen to Talk Radio
If one were worshiping every Sunday with the above types of people
I would say that the loony margin is a logical outcome.
Rupert Murdoch did this.
If he had done this as a member of an Armed Forces of another country or as a foreign intelligence service operative, instead of a businessman plying his “business” in capitalist-friendly America, he would have been labeled a War Criminal for what he has done to an entire generation of the United States.
Hey Ingraham, read the following about how real grown-ups act when something they don’t like or care for goes against them, especially the last sentence!
The term grown-ups, will never, ever be used to describe anyone on the right!
Name changes
A post office in the area was built and listed in the US Post Office application as Artesia and retained this name from 1893–1954;[24] and then went into service for Port Canaveral from 1954-1962; and lastly the City of Cape Canaveral from 1962 to 1963 when a larger post office was built.
From 1963 to 1973, the area had a different name when US President Lyndon Johnson by executive order renamed the area “Cape Kennedy” after President John F. Kennedy, who had set the goal of landing on the moon. After Kennedy’s assassination in 1963, his widow, Jacqueline Kennedy, suggested to President Johnson that renaming the Cape Canaveral facility would be an appropriate memorial. Johnson recommended the renaming of the entire cape, announced in a televised address six days after the assassination. Accordingly, Cape Canaveral was officially renamed Cape Kennedy.[23]
Although the name change was approved by the U.S. Board on Geographic Names of the Interior Department in December 1963,[25] it was not popular in Florida, especially in the bordering city of Cape Canaveral. In 1973, the Florida Legislature passed a law[26] restoring the former 400-year-old name, and the Board went along. The name restoration to Cape Canaveral became official on October 9, 1973.[27] The Kennedy family issued a letter stating they “understood the decision”. NASA’s Kennedy Space Center retains the “Kennedy” name