Not really analogous. Putin is a head of state and can rightfully speak for Russia. Trump is…what? Someone looking to undermine the state? Sure, he’s a nominee, but he’s not an elected official. He doesn’t speak for the U.S. It’s not even clear that he speaks for a major political party in the U.S. He can absolutely go on to Russian TV and bash U.S. leadership. We allow that. But when someone who’s not the head of state, and is running for political office, does that it’s also highly improper.
One? Ivanka? Is a 34yo.
I am getting sooo sick and friggin tired of this lying mf I think will barf. If there was ever a definition of SOCIOPATH, it is him.
Get to the closest psychiatrist you can find, freak!
if the slide by Hillary as evidenced over the last month continues apace
Unlikely. Convention bump was bound to fade. Most likely will level out somewhere near a 0.75-1.0-sigma chance for Trump on 538. Not enough of a margin to feel comfortable about, and of course an unexpected event could change things, but the dip down is starting to level out about as expected and maybe a tad higher than expected for Madam Clinton.
Just imagine him putting this country through this sociopath 24/7. Can you imagine the chaos and insanity running amok?
What lie SPECIFICALLY are you referring to? Get back to me later. I said “specifics” links quotes etc. How many can you come up with?
No. But then that would never really happen now would it? Seeing as he’s like a ruthless autocrat and all. He doesn’t really need to sit down and do interviews with the press in order to be freely elected by the Russian people. Since he’s like an Russian autocrat and all.
Hey! Kind of like the last Tsar!
You must wonder why Larry King et al wanted him on RT. Is it because he’s a “name” in Russia?
“Remember Tokyo Rose?”
I thought I did but it seems I was wrong. The name most commonly thought of is Iva Toguri. I haven’t read deeply into this but it appears she was not a traitor. She was pardoned in 1977.
Nah . . . . Even a slim 45-year-old female like Melania, when dressed in tight clothes, may appear to have a less-than-flat stomach.
Back & Forth with Shawn and Larry King
Back and forth, eh??? Nudge, nudge…The Cadaver Sutra.
She’d be smart to have another child though she is approaching the age where she shouldn’t. Divorce settlements will be more generous per trump scion, and we’ve already decided he’s going to dump her tout de suite, and we always have the last word on such things.
Cameras flashed on Melania sitting with the mini Trumps during the Commander fiasco Wednesday.
All Trump noses precisely tilted, flaired and gleaming with the care a nuclear missile system would have longed for, sat armed and tracking in the klieg light. But it was Melania and her 5" spikes, her potential First Lady extremities kicked up to near examination table heights, that not so innocent Jackie-esque moue aimed knowingly at the red-lit 1/2 second live camera pan, that confirmed beyond all doubt a very aware woman already dancing in her very private global rule traces.
Deniability only works when plausible…? DOH!
Pretty sure Putin’s parrot is not wired for 220.
I think we all knew and said that after the debacle at the convention, she was going away. They cannot use her as a surrogate anymore, anytime she gets in front of the press, she is going to get bombarded with questions about the speech, about her past status, etc. And is pretty clear she can’t handle that sort of pressure real time.
So she is relegated to the role she signed up for when she first married…eye candy to be looked at and not to speak.
If Putin sat for 30 minutes on CNN with Anderson Cooper would it be a breach of etiquette in the eyes of Russians back home?
As long as Cooper tongue-bathes Putin for the full 30 minutes, the residents of Novosibirsk and Nizhny Novgorod are good with it, and so will be Omahahoohoo in his Orekhovo-Borisovo dacha.
Under a mosquito net? In Russia.
Interview, no. But Donnie proceeded to trash the POTUS, the military, and our foreign policy on a Russian TV network. Since he’s running for President, that’s extremely stupid and really bad form.
Would conservatives’ feelings be hurt if I said that Putin is so much better and more macho than Ronald Reagan? And Putin’s mistress is more beautiful than Nancy Reagan?