Discussion: Larry King's Production Company: Trump Was ‘Always Booked’ On Our Talk Show

I have no doubt – and 2016 has made it clear – the GOP never had a problem with Soviet repression.
It only had a problem with socialism.

Had Stalin been a Tsarist, McCarthy would’ve praised his secret police, show trials, and gulags.
Had Khrushchev been a capitalist, Nixon would’ve celebrated his crushing the Prague Spring.
Had Brezhnev been a free-marketer, Reagan would’ve toasted his invasion of Afghanistan.

To Republicans, “freedom” applies to one thing, and to one thing only: Almighty capital.


I almost hope Trump actually does try to form an alt-right TV network to compete with Fox.
It’d be worth it to watch the Murdoch sons stab him in the front and Vladimir and RT stab him in the back, all while Ailes screams that no, even if it is called Trump TV, they can’t just keep a camera pointed at Trump 24 hours a day and call it news.


The consevative Palin People find strength in anything that is authoritarian, misogynistic or monopolistic. Doesn’t matter if it is fascist, communistic or vulture capitalist. Slavery, sexual bondage and voting down the ERA all have had the same affect on their small hands.

Did anyone check to see if Phyllis Schlafly is being buried with her vibrator? Wouldn’t be surprised if the thing doesn’t go off in her coffin during the funeral…and all the mourners stop to check to see if it is the one in their pockets.


Personally I’d prefer than man just drop dead. He’s dangerous. However, America better buckle up, because if the slide by Hillary as evidenced over the last month continues apace we’ll wake up the Wednesday after the election pondering four years of President Trump.


Alfred E. Neuman might win a presidential campaign yet?. The GOP has gone stark raving Mad.

What Me Worry does kind of have that What Do You Have to Lose sort of vibe to it?

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Almighty Capital trumps Das Kapital


It would be the beginning of the Second American Revolution. People cry Wall, Wall but there is no Wall?

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Putin is using Trump to spread anti-US propaganda. Remember Tokyo Rose?


Too much LOLOLOLOL, Trump gets broadcast on Russian TV from an interview from a company founded by a MEXICAN billionaire.

Hell of a negotiation there Donnie boy, can we call you Brownie? LOL, can’t make this shit up.


Wait, what? The Trump campaign lying? No! It can’t be true!

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When you are conning people, you get to call it whatever you want. Well Fargo, Trump University and Vladimir Putin’s invasions of Crimea and Ukraine come to mind.


The only thing better would be if Malaria left HO for Carlos Slim - a real billionaire.


The Mexicans set this up? Maybe Nieto was just luring Trump in for the kill? Globalization will be the death of the GOP yet.


In their pockets? I rather think they may be stashed somewhere else…

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Donnie is the lead for the GOP amateur hour. It’s never his fault. It’s never something he was connected with. The blame has to rest upon others.

I will never see him take responsibility for any of his words or actions.


So which will upset folks more - its part of the RT machine, or that the show is controlled by a Mexican. So, Russians upstream, Mexicans downstream, who to blame!?

For myself I’m just loving the Irony.


Absolutely nothing surprising here.


Or there is an abortion in progress and Trump doesn’t want people to know about it.

Lyin’ liars lie. All Trump, lyin’ all the time.

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Abortions are outpatient procedures so there really shouldn’t be as much opposition to them as there is, but we know it’s about immigration: coming here on a tourist visa and working which is not allowed on a tourist visa.