Dark rings around her eyes…24 hour monitoring, if the rings go white and she flushes orange it could be over.
It all falls apart if you remove the suspenders.
Because his opponents and some in the media are framing it in a way that portrays speaking to a Russian audience over a Russian network as wrong, most likely in Trump’s case because his idiotic public mancrush for Putin looms in the background. I understand Trump backpedaling/getting defensive specific to his circumstances. But if some garden variety, non-controversial U.S. legislator sat down and did an interview with RT would that, in and of itself, warrant lambasting that legislator as a toadie for the Commies, a Putin sympathizer?
"RT America is one of several dozen companies who license these and other Ora programs for distribution around the world.
It’s my guess that anything critical of mother Russia, Putin or the Communist Party doesn’t get any airtime on RT, and Larry King very well knows this. Its probably in their agreement to air his show as part of his paid contract. With that said, Larry King may produce his show independent of RT and license it to them, but RT still has the final word on what gets puts on its channel. Everyone knows by now RT is a Kremlin-run propaganda channel and it’s not exactly the Russian version of PBS.
Dude, seriously. This has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that this involves the one and only Orange Julius Caesar, he of the “idiotic public mancrush for Putin,” and who happens to be the presidential nominee for a party that just years ago (months ago? weeks ago?) had a bloodlust hatred for anything connected with communism and/or the Kremlin.
If Obama did anything like this, he would be excoriated for weeks on end by Hannity, Limbaugh, et al.
Next Excuse: Larry King is not on CNN?
They are so lying. I book guests for my boss’s Bloombergradio show and everyone knows exactly what they are doing.
Shouts of “McCarthyism” at any mention of Russian aggression in Ukraine or Syria or LGBT rights in Russia I view as a McCarthyite tactic to change the subject. They will tell us they’re not concerned about human rights abuses in the rest of the world so their focused strictly on the sins of the United States.
Communism is dead and Russia under Putin is a right-wing authoritarian quasi-democratic autocracy. It’s not red-baiting to point out there’s nothing in their ideology we should emulate.
Chuck Todd (et al.):
"Yes but, everyone knows Trump’s a liar, crook, and fraud. We in the corporate media expect this behavior. In fact, our expectations are so low, that him lying 24/7 doesn’t even register. What’s the use of reporting that?
Sec. Clinton, on the other hand, actually has morals, integrity, and stature. She’s target rich for innuendo, GOP talking points, and baseless speculation, which we can use to score cheap and easy hits to hype pseudo-scandal ratings and our own self-congratulatory egos.
It’s the way our business works, and it just proves, once again, how Democrats are anti-business. Only hardcore Clinton extremists would be so opposed to free enterprise and economic growth. Haters."
Or something.
Trump and the GOP lied? Say it isn’t so.
I’m thinking Vladimir is going to get pretty pissed off soon if Trump continues to deny their love affair. They made a deal. Donald is not going to get by with stiffing Russia after hacking all those American computers…like he’s always done to other small business suppliers.
You’re just one of Donald’s flirts, Pootie-Poot. He lusts only for his daughter.
Of course he lied about it! He’s a sociopathic personality, who lies as easily as he breathes. He’s so insecure that he can never admit to having made a mistake. How can anyone think him qualified to sit in the Oval Office?
You can be a fascist dictator and a communist, too. Putin has just improved on Stalin model. Trump can’t wait to put his own vulture capitalist spin on it.
She would be the “missing First Lady”. Not good in the era of constant media attention.
The ones who voted twice for W are a good bet.
I don’t think so. I think it’s more the fact that he was bashing us foreign policy and praising Putin in another country. Plus it just adds to narrative that he’s putin’s bitch.
Coddle HO because he’s a newbie and attack Hillary Clinton because she’s a seasoned pol who knows the ropes. Now I get it.
There’s a supposed Mussolini quote that “fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power” that I don’t think Mussolini ever actually said. It’s still a good quote though.
Obama has sat down for interviews with both Russian and Chinese newspapers and a Saudi radio station. And who cares what Hannity and Limbaugh think? If they tore into Obama for the three interviews I cite he certainly didn’t run and hide from doing them, or express regret, or bitch about getting guff for it.
President Obama is in Moscow today for a two-day summit with top Russian officials and ***the White House has released a transcript of an interview between the President and Novoya Gazeta – a Russian newspaper known for investigative work in politics.***
Mr Xiang, who spoke to the US president during his visit to China in November, has been moved “upstairs” at the Southern Weekend newspaper.
He is now under the authority of a new editor, according to three employees at the paper who spoke to the Reuters news agency.
Mr Xiang’s coup in securing the only Chinese interview with President Obama apparently irritated the propaganda ministry, which felt the interview should have been conducted by a state-run media outlet.
The White House arranged the interview directly with the newspaper, which has won widespread praise for its crusading campaigns against corruption and China’s social problems.
In his first interview since taking office, ***President Barack Obama told Arab satellite station Al Arabiya*** that Americans are not the enemy of the Muslim world and said Israel and the Palestinians should resume peace negotiations.
“My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy,” Obama told Al Arabiya’s Hisham Melhem in an interview broadcast Tuesday morning.
There is no comparison with Trump on RT and an Anderson Cooper interview with Putin on U.S. television. Putin would never trash Russian institutions on an American broadcast, but Trump has no problem trashing American institutions and praising the dictatorial Russian government on a Russian network.
If the incompetency of Trump’s staff is so yuuge to have booked him so blindly on a Larry King show, what does that say about their ability to run a real government? (Not that I had to ask that question, but there are obviously still a lot of people out there who actually believe Trump & Co. are capable of finding their own genitals in the dark.)