Discussion: Lara Trump Makes Bizarre Attempt To Mock Dems For Wanting To Beat Trump In 2020

I will say it again.

Once he won office, he would never have a normal day again. He brought pain on himself in ways he did not imagine. When he is no longer protected by his status, the knives will come out from within his own. And then there is everyone else. In many ways, Trump is literally in office to survive, he has no goal after that. No end game except a sudden flight to a non-extradition country. A quiet retirement on the Golf course is not in the offing. And the kids? Who will be loyal and defend them when he is just a former president?


And if they pull her face any tighter, her eyebrows and ears will touch at the back of her head.

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Sheā€™s a ā€œSenior Advisorā€ to whatā€¦China?

Not that China pilgrimā€¦

THIS China

Poor thing cannot even tie her own shoelacesā€¦ā€¦


Vying for the Dumbest Trump of All.

I know. Itā€™s disheartening. My hope lies in the fact that these guys are so incompetent.


Slightly OT here, but one of the best lines I ever heard on the subject of plastic surgery was from Absolutely Fabulous: ā€œif she gets one more facelift, sheā€™ll have a beardā€¦ā€


I bet even Fat Donnie think sheā€™s stupid.

Iā€™m a little bit sad that anyone is paying attention to her. Or the rest of that criminal organization masquerading as a family.


This is supposed to be a duplicate of a Royal Familyā€¦

For people I suddenly feel a great deal of compassion forā€¦

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Oh bless your heart Lara. Next time, use both brain cells.


Badly. And what is it with the Trump women and bad plastic surgery? It seems only Ivanka was allowed to go to a Board Certified surgeon while the rest look like a preview for the next episode of ā€œBotched.ā€


Well Laura, every Democrat is miles ahead of your idiot father in law in all of the mentioned categories, including ethics. And yes, we are mad the the election was stolen from Hillary even though she received almost 3 million more votes that the moron you work for.


It is quite sad that we donā€™t expect to remove Trump from office before the 2020 campaign season. I really wish the wisdom of waiting until after the GOO convention to impeach, but thatā€™s where we are

Yeah, but unfortunately, it doesnā€™t take competence to announce indictments against political enemies right before an election.

LOL!!! Was that Patsy? She was always my favorite haha

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If you think how warped their self images have to be to have married into this horrid family, it should not come as a surprise that they have dysmorphia issues.


Yup! She and Eddy pouring over celebrity mags making boozy, snarky cracks about the photosā€¦


Its not like Schumer said his #1 goal is to make Trump a 1 term presidentā€¦


Luckily, high end designers know their target marketā€¦

Behold, $700 Stell McCarthney velcro sneakers:

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