Discussion for article #239981
Discussion: Ky. County Clerk Again Refuses To Issue Same-Sex Marriage Licenses Despite SCOTUS Ruling
She’ll get fired, then the tea naggers will raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for her.
Ok Ms. Davis: time to face the lions!!! Here comes your martyrdom! I think a contempt ruling and a nice coupla weeks in the county hoosegow, during which time her stand-in deputy - appropriately scared - will stop this nonsense and start issuing licenses again, will do the trick nicely. Or she can resign.
At least stand at the counter and tell the people that she’s refusing to grant them licenses.
Sitting in a locked room with the blinds drawn is just cowardly.
This is simple. Contempt of court. Ms. Davis stays in jail until she either issues the licenses that she is required to issue by law, or until she resigns her position. I always love it when someone thinks she can look a judge in the eye and say, “Make me.” They get educated very quickly.
The situation is simple: she’s a public servant in a non policy making position. She carries out the laws and policies. Period. A public servant has to be neutral.
I don’t understand, she says she doing so under God’s authority. Why didn’t she just get him to testify in her defense at the Supreme Court? Not even a deposition? It would saved here a lot of trouble.
My feeling is, God dodged the subpoena, so she must be bullshit.
I suspect she’s already been made aware of the consequences. She may be in the sort of denial the non-religiotic cannot experience, or she’s somewhere in a decision process towards martyrdom in state custody, possibly both.
Give the hate filled Rightie Bagger and hypocritical Fundie cretin the martyrdom she wants. Then she can go off to The 700Club, open her GoFundMe account, and bask in the glow of hate that streams from like minded backwoods TEAliban and Rightie Fundies.
Out she goes…to home, to jail___anywhere but in a public courthouse.
Just remove that 4x married, hypocritical media whore ASAP! Yesterday would be fine.
The Gay Marriage War is over Rightie, RepubliKKKlans, Fundies…and, just as in the Civil War, YOU LOST…Big Time! Get over it.
If anything, this continued refusal by the religious right to accept reality and keep demanding their political hacks do the same is actually a positive. As the country keeps moving forward, their refusal to join the 21st (or the 19th in many cases) century means that we may not see another Republican president any time soon___and I really don’t see a problem with that at all.
Stiff daily fines should relieve her of the burden of carrying around all that money…
Does she really believe that someone whose religion says that remarriage after divorce is immoral has the right to refuse her a marriage license?
Now’s the time for the Federal Court to find her in contempt, jail her, and fine her $10,000 per day until she agrees to do her job.
I though she should be fired by the legislature, but on second thought, it would be more fitting to jail and fine her until she breaks, and then hopefully thousands of gay couples will show up to get licenses, and rub her face in it.
Churches must be really hard up for paid membership when the bar for martyrdom is set so low.
Kimmi is the founder of Christianists United for Nuptial Terrorism
Find her in contempt; jail her; fine her.
A county clerk in Kentucky who is continuing to deny marriage licenses to gay couples says she’s doing so “under God’s authority.”
If Davis can’t do the job for which she was hired due to religious reasons, then the only solution is to replace her with someone who can/will do the job, and either fire her or transfer her to work that doesn’t conflict with her religious strictures. Something that matches her skill set, or lack of one. Something like cleaning toilets in the state penitentiary.
I think contempt charges are clearly appropriate now…
I say stick her in jail, and force her to issue the marriage li ensrs from there until the backlog is cleared. I’m sure the same-sex couples would happily be handed the license through the bars, with photos for the wedding album.
Both the Old Testament and the Christian book, and the 20 centuries of history since, are replete with tales of God removing His beneficence from those who foresake. If this religiot suffers from the delusion all those tales are aimed to encourage, that “nonsense” will end with her death. Maybe she even figures she’s got a shot at asking out loud at some point, Holy Father, why have you forsaken me?
We’re all gonna die regardless. Maybe going this way might make her feel more virtuous, or important at least.
Just one among so many silly ignoramuses in this silly old world.
I think the only thing she’s in denial about is how bad hanging out in a prison cell is going to be, and how bad those fines are going to be when she has to pay them. Although she can’t be “fired” (except apparently by the legislature), there has to be a mechanism for replacing her if she is unable to perform her duties (ie, is in jail for contempt). Even if she continues to receive her salary, it’s easy to imagine the fines being financially crippling. I’m sure the judge won’t be vindictive, but will go far enough to put a stop to the ongoing defiance. The other people in her office may have no taste for the fight (likely don’t) and are just trapped under her at the moment.
What an amazingly hateful person.