Discussion: Kushner-Owned Company Lobbied Against Obamacare Repeal


Nice article @cameron_joseph. Well researched and well presented. It would seem that Oscar Health saw the potential of the cost-sharing reduction payments in the ACA and decided to book themselves a place on the gravy train. Drain the swamp and you find the Kushners feeding along the bottom.


This is what they mean by ’ so much winning’. They can’t lose. They’ve covered all the bases.


Kushner could out-Maverick John McCain if he does the right thing when it counts just twice more.

I wish that picture of JFK would come alive and clunk their heads together. Mean & ridiculous but we’re in that age right now. I wouldn’t be surprised if it actually happened.


Trump: So, Ivanka married a Black Jew? WTF!!!

So I have to agree with @the_mask and blame this musing on the early hour of the morning:
Wonder what kind of divesting Gordian knot cutting there would have been if Romney had won? And if I may play with the Gordian knot theme if Trump wanted to be the greatest conqueror all time then he should have used Alexander’s method, I hope the knot is his undoing.


Ethics? Ethics? We don’t got no ethics. We don’t need no stinking ethics!


Good article: Kushy’s conflict of interenst happened to put him on the side of the angles in this particular case, but there is no reason to think this will hold in the next GOP assault on America.
In a similar vein, John Schindler has wreaked devastation on Trump and his coterie in the Observer - which is also owned by Kushy.


The business establishment had no problem with Kushner’s behavior at all, even including the employment of the lobbyists, who of course are businessmen (like gunslinger mob lawyers),. The ethos is Me First, and everything else takes a back seat–unless the businessman’s actions cause unmanageable problems to a Higher Power. Which didn’t happen here.

In fact Kushner might have found a minor guilty pleasure in turning a buck exploiting the Enemy.


Shows how Jared views his current gig as an investment opportunity.


Yawn. A non-story. So Jared owned a stake–presumably not a majority stake–in a company his brother controlled. I may have owned a stake in Exxon when the Exxon Valdez went aground, but that didn’t mean I favored pollution. And I don’t recall Jared doing heavy-duty lobbying for Obamacare repeal.

I think TPM should be above this kind of pseudo-journalism.


As I was reading the article, Oscar sounded familiar and I couldn’t place why. Doing a quick search, MA Gov Charlie Baker was connected with Oscar when he worked at VC firm General Catalyst Partners and was placed on the board. At the time Baker was being investigated for pay-to-play with NJ Gov Christie. Baker and NJ’s pension investment in General Catalyst Partners.


One thing this analysis misses is that if anything had passed, Jared’s brother would (almost certainly) have had privileged access to exactly how and when the new rules were going to be implemented, and could have either changed his company’s focus or divested ahead of the rest of the market.


This is very well done, thanks @cameron_joseph.

Anyone else appreciate the irony of the prodigal son benefitting from the ACA while Trump’s party lambastes normal folks that do the same as moochers and entitled?


Very important point. Something to keep an eye on anytime any change to the law does come about.


A fine piece of journalism. Well researched and well presented. Sure, there’s no smoking gun here…TPM doesn’t have the resources of, say, Robert Mueller…but it’s valuable to have information handy when we need it. Thanks TPM for adding to the foundation of the house that’s being built, albeit far too slowly. And for anybody to call the article pseudo-journalism is beneath the intellectual level of the pool of commenters on this site


It’s because they see ‘ethics’ and read ‘ethnics’, you know.

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I called it pseudo-journalism knowingly, and I’ll do it again. Indeed, I just have. There’s no there there. There’s plenty of grist for the mill. No need to go out strain for stuff like this.

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I’m sure you meant on the side of angels, but angles works. This crew plays all the angles.