Individual 1 will not be happy. Our next Democratic president ought to give that whistleblower the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
I’m shocked…
Newbold said that Kline did not address Kushner’s myriad of concerning entanglements, dismissing them as “activities [that] occurred prior to Federal service.”
Are you kidding me? He was a scum bag before the abomination was installed, therefore of course he deserves security clearance in his new position. They’re not even pretending to give a damn about national security.
that’s why they’re called background investigations.
Oy vey.
Good thing he’s not working on anything that would require a clearance…
I who knows nothing, and no one in power, knew there was no way Kushner could get a clearance.
Well maybe to the men’s room with how to use instructions on the toilet paper.
“Last February, Trump bullied then Chief of Staff John Kelly into promoting Kushner up a rung on the security clearance ladder over Kelly’s objections.”
Sooooo, Trump cowed an f’ing 4-star Marine general who chose to write a CYA memo instead of resigning in protest.
But he couldn’t control Tricia Newbold, a career civil servant, who put her job of 18 years on the line and endured humiliating retribution FOR DOING HER JOB.
Thank you Ms. Newbold for having more courage than the general.
[quote=“enceladus, post:4, topic:86423, full:true”]
Newbold said that Kline did not address Kushner’s myriad of concerning entanglements, dismissing them as “activities [that] occurred prior to Federal service.”
Are you kidding me? He was a scum bag before the abomination was installed, therefore of course he deserves security clearance in his new position. They’re not even pretending to give a damn about national security.
[/quote]“Well, he hasn’t done anything terribly concerning in the past couple of hours (except submit another false SF 86). So, I don’t see any reason not to clear him.”
She’s a giant among public servants.
The rest of them, especially Kelly, suffer from reduced moral capacity, and inflict on us the sour fruits of their deficit in courage.
Kelly was such an embarrassment.
Well, that could be anyone in the Trump administration – even Trump himself. Personally, I’m amazed that any of them could get security clearances, except possibly some of the military personnel on active duty.
Newbold said that Kline did not address Kushner’s myriad of concerning entanglements, dismissing them as “activities [that] occurred prior to Federal service.”
So by that logic a paroled Bernie Madoff could be put in charge of the Treasury Department.
From my observations, it is a rare general who displays courage OFF the battlefield.
If Trump had anything to do with it her freedom would depend on the next Democratic President pardoning her.
And you really don’t see many on the battlefield. When Trump started talking about “his” generals I started talking about his stooges.
I’ve seen more trustworthy people on a sex offender registry list.
Indeed. One wonders why Bernie Kerrik isn’t up for head of Homeland Security again.
I have a feeling Carl Kline may not be the sharpest Ginzu blade in the drawer, so his testimony in the House should be quite amusing, even funnier than Wilbur Ross, but without the rotting flesh.