Discussion: Krauthammer Is Back To Hyping Benghazi Again: Email Is Equivalent Of Nixon Tapes (VIDEO)

We agree about the “what” but not the “how.” As I said, I’m done with arguing with crazies, but I think the problem is not the size of government, but the fact that government is thoroughly corrupted by the influence of corporate and billionaire slush funds. That’s why we are no longer a democracy.

The bogus, butthurt squealing about “freedom” and “liberty” is generally squawked by people who are still free to do any damn thing they like.

The GOP (and only GOP, because the Dems NEVER criticize the administration if they know what’s good for them) claimed that Benghazi was a planned attack rather than a spontaneous demonstration based on a YouTube video. They gave their reasons based on the weapons used in the attack being that they were the type that required advanced training, for one thing. Obama scoffed at the idea. Just yesterday Obama came out and gave exactly the same reasoning to criticize Putin’s claim that the uprisings in Ukraine are spontaneous and not some part of a Russian plan to take over the government. Amazing.

Because they know very well that something smells bad about Benghazi. They don’t address the issues, they just huff and puff and resort to debasing anything contrary to their statist views.

Yep, attack the cripple since he’s an easy target, but whatever you do don’t give any sound explanation debunking the man. I don’t blame you since I can’t think of anything he said here that is incorrect. Try taking your tactic to Hot Air and see how far you get.

but if they stopped focusing on fake contraversies and conspiracy theories then they will actually have to do their jobs…and they cant have that now can they since they have been against the american people on every issue so far gun control i.e common sence regs .the minimum wage increase,unemployment , imagration etc etc they say the american people are with them …who are these american people?/ oh yeah the cluster faux ozze watchers …

The supposedly “smoking gun” in this email was apparently this: Obama’s deputy national security secretary urged Rice “to underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy.”

Uh, the “protests” (not the plural) in several Muslim countries WERE sparked by the video, including the one at the US embassy in Egypt. How is stating a well-known fact a smoking gun for anything? And further investigations showed the Benghazi attack, while not starting as a protest as originally thought, was in fact motivated by the video and the protests against it in other countries.

Because this is a nonstory about a nonscandal. That’s why. Nobody cares about this crackpot coverup conspiracy theory except deranged Obama and Clinton haters and the Republican politicians that pander to them.

You forgot about the 1998 elections where the Republicans lost ground, but they STILL continued to impeach Bill Clinton.

Make no mistake about it, the Republicans are hell bent on “settling the score from 1974” and they WILL impeach Obama. They are beating the impeachment drums at Fox along with other right wing presstitutes such as Jonathan Karl, Morning Joke, Major Garrett and other cogs in the Corporate Controlled Conservative Press machine!


It isn’t government that is taking control of our lives. It is WALL STREET that is taking control of our lives!

Krauty said that an email about the protests (plural) against the anti-Muslim video that erupted all over the Middle East were equivalent to tapes of Richard Nixon talking about paying hush money get people to not talk about a felony committed by his flunkies. THAT is what’s incorrect. As for being crippled, Krauty’s problem aren’t his physical infirmities. His problem is that he’s crippled inside.

If you X-ray SourKrauthammer’s head you will see that the hamster died but the wheel still spins…

And not a SINGLE PEEP from the Republicans about ANY of those attacks!

Krauthammer is an expert at predicting what would have happened if only things had been done differently.

Why wasn’t Krauthammer up in
Saint Ronnies business when
the 200 plus Marines were killed
in Beirut Lebanon, you know,
the Marines that were their as
peace keepers and the check point
guards were not allowed to have their
rifles loaded !!! And why were our
Marines in Lebanon ?? Peace keepers
for Israel. Krauthammer wont be happy
until Israel gets us into WWIII .


The attackers were among the militias that overthrew Moamar Qaddafi’s regime. So they DID have advanced training. That’s why they were able to mount a coordinated attack in a matter of hours – AFTER they heard about the anti-Islam video and the violent protests in Egypt.

Why do I have to google for the email? Why isn’t this story linked to another story that reprints or substantially explains the email?

Did you actually read the post? He was explaining why the wingnuts think Benghazi was a big deal. Admittedly, with proper spelling and grammar.

He’s turned into a real sour Krauthammer.

I am terribly embarrassed to admit it, but I truly have no idea what this memo or email or whatever the Hell it is supposed to be/have been, but I so missed it in the news cycle, that I truly have NO idea what in the Hell everyone is talking about here. I wish TPM would do a summary or history of what this current wingnut angry hornet buzz is all about. This just caught me so off guard that I really have no idea what was supposed to have been said in this document (if that is even what it is) that is so allegedly damning against the President and everyone else in his administration. And I happen to be one of the liberal wingnuts who has no real admiration for the President, even though I voted for him twice.

Would someone please explain this to me.

But never let it be said that logic and/or a few solid facts ever stood in the way of the right wingnut noise machine.