Discussion: Krauthammer Is Back To Hyping Benghazi Again: Email Is Equivalent Of Nixon Tapes (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #222338

'“But what I did say was the reason it would not go anywhere is because the lack of interest of the other media,” he said. “And what’s changed now, and we saw it in the briefing room, is I think the other media are somewhat embarrassed by the fact that unlike Fox they allowed themselves to be stoned and spun and rolled for a year-and-a-half and now the memo appears and it’s obvious they missed the story.”

Why is why they didn’t ask the President a SINGLE question about it at his joint-press converence with Merkel.


Oh good grief when the Republicans start investigating all the embassy and consulate attacks and subsequent deaths under Bush I will think this concern about Benghazi seriously. I will consider their concern is something more more than just trying to find anything anything at that will make Obama look bad to someone other than their rabid base


And remember, kids, this desiccated chump is supposed to be one of the smart, respectable ones.


Nobody outside the bubble cares. Even if it WAS real, it has no legs. That is not going to change.


“Benghazi! 24X7! Hell, it worked so well with Whitewater, let’s do it again!!!”


Thing is, the media HAS been beating the Benghazi drum. Remember the 60 minutes story on See Bee Ess CBS that was subsequently discredited?
The “liberal” media has been chomping at the bit for something for quite awhile but there has really been nothing. Not only that, the GOP has had hearings and investigations for 2 years now. People are tired of the story and frankly IMO a bit confused. What, exactly, are they hung up on here? Do they think the Obama administration ordered the killings? Do they think it was some secret plot for something else? Or is this all over some talking points?

I think the real problem is that the Republicans keep howling at the moon and people see this is not really about the dead Americans but in actuality a means to get Obama. I don’t think they really give a damn about the people that died. Not. One. Bit.

Perhaps if they concentrated on jobs and wages with the same zeal they are in investigating who instructed who on emails and talking points, our jobs numbers would have been much higher today.


When you have nothing to run on, you have to go with what you got. repubes are disgusting.


Pearls of Faux wisdom from Dr. Strangehammer.


It doesn’t matter. Because:

A blah… president [and a Democrat to boot]. Just like they got so pissed that Clinton beat Bush the Elder. They think there’s something wrong with the cosmos when they lose, because of course they are right and right for 'Merkuh…


“Hans Blix had five months to find weapons. He found nothing. We’ve had five weeks. Come back to me in five months. If we haven’t found any, we will have a credibility problem.”
-Charles Krauthammer


Can somebody tell me how the hell we are supposed to sustain a democracy in a nation where about a third of the voters are just absolutely stark raving mad–beyond the reach of reason, inextricably embedded in a fantasy universe?

Seriously. This is a question that’s been on my mind for the last three weeks. The fever pitch intensity of the craziness is, as usual, slowly being cranked up to 11 as we approach the election, but increasingly, there’s no one left over there in Crazyland who’s just a cynical manipulator telling yahoos what they want to hear for fun and profit. All of them, politicians and propagandists alike, are themselves all completely eaten up with it.

Year on year, it keeps getting worse, they keep getting more and more dissociated and there’s never any consequences, any point when they have to pay the price of being delusional, because of the endless river of oligarch money.

How the hell are we supposed to keep a democracy from collapsing under the sheer weight of all that hugely funded and carefully stoked crazy? I’m really starting to freak out about it.


I’ve never been clear on exactly what the GOP is alleging about the Benghazi attack. If this e-mail is equivalent to the Watergate tapes, then what big cover-up are they accusing the administration of? Do they think it was a US plot to attack our own embassy? Did Obama and Clinton conspire to cover up the fog-of-war confusion in the first several hours after the attack? Are they accusing some bureaucrat of editing a talking points memo too judiciously or not judiciously enough?

I just don’t get what they think is at the end of the rabbit hole.

I mean, it could be that they have absolutely bugger-all else to try and fire their base up, since the ACA is more successful than originally projected, unemployment is in the low 6’s, the stock market is booming, and so on. But that would mean that all of this Benghazi hubub is just a meaningless ploy to consume as many news cycles as possible between now and November, and also to plant a seed in the base re: Hillary 2016.

And that would mean that the GOP is a bunch of principle-free jackholes, and, well, that just beggars belief!


I wish I had a reassuring answer for you. But I’m afraid I’m asking the same question.


This is all about the midterm elections, and Hillary Clinton’s expected presidential run. It’s the campaign to cut her down.


The mistake we make is thinking that reason exists in their world, it’s just eluding us. There isn’t. They’re all, to a man and to a woman, in Gagaland. Just go look at the comments on any article about guns and you’ll see it. Their “logic” depends on ellipses and non sequiturs and magical thinking, all tied together with irrelevant but emotionally powerful anecdotes that feed their boundless appetite for fear and anger and disgust.

Trying to “get it” assumes there’s something there to get. And there just isn’t.


Don’t forget, it is also a way to get at Hillary. This twofer is the real reason they are still obsessed with this supposed scandal.


I’m still confused on what the controversy is. This whole Benghazi thing is how I know the entire right wing media is completely unable to engage in a good faith argument. They can’t even articulate the controversy. “The administration is…covering SOMETHING up…we know…because…WATERGATE!!”


When you get right down to it, this is all they have. Look at their track record. Every thing they embrace blows up in their faces. This is no different. All I see is more of the same crazy they have been touting since 2008. Did it help them win in 2012? No. It is more noise to get the rabid base on board now that their Obamacare meme has blown up in their faces.


Krauthammer Is Back To Hyping Benghazi:
Email Is Equivalent Of Nixon Tapes