Discussion: Krauthammer Is Back To Hyping Benghazi Again: Email Is Equivalent Of Nixon Tapes (VIDEO)

Yes, they are, by far, the emotional ones in American politics, and by emotional I mean hysterical, and by hysterical, I don’t mean funny.


Wow, how far that gentleman has fallen. He used to just be incorrect on most things, but now he lives in fantasy land. ODS is a terrible thing let creep into ones brain.


Indeed. Eleven embassies attacked under Bush II, and 53 deaths, with 91 injured. But they don’t count: if you are a Republican.

This GOP/conservative flailing is getting downright embarrassing to the party, isn’t it? It’s such a symptom of their having NO issues to go on.


Kludt, you’re a lazy incompetent fool. If you had actually taken the time and effort to read the email you wouldn’t have written: “The email shows a top Obama aide instructing then-United Nations ambassador Susan Rice to use CIA-fashioned talking points attributing the attack to an anti-Islam video.” because you would have clearly seen that the sentence the RighTeas are lying about was clearly about the 15 country protests across the Middle East that were clearly incited by the video. There was a lot more going on at the time than “Benghazi”.


HAHAHAHA! The old douche can’t dry up and blow away soon enough for me…

We survived Reagan, we survived shrub, we’ll survive this. Somehow…


I think that the headline is somewhat misleading. He isn’t “hyping” Benghazi but I’m not sure if what I think that he is doing with it would be appropriate to say in this particular forum.

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Perhaps someone could do what no conservative has been able to do hitherto, namely…just what is the ‘scandal’ here? As far as the Dems, they’ve completely failed in messaging(surprise!) as all they have to say is that the GOP voted against increasing security funding for embassies, which just happens to have the advantage of being true, and that Steven’s death is their fault.


Show of hands…who out there thinks the Sunday “news” shows are going to just be awesome this weekend?



There’s the fact that the parties responsible for Benghazi stated that they were responding to that inflammatory video, which ought to be sufficient to put an end to this ridiculous zombie of a pseudo-scandal. If only the energy wasted on Benghazi were used more productively … fighting TPP and NSA.


No Mr. K…it is not like the Nixon tapes but it is like all the years of Republicans not letting go of Whitewater when Clinton was Pres.
Just stunning and more taxpayer money for this …


From my conversations with the Crazy, I have learned the scandal:

In the days leading up to September 11th, Obama declared the War on Terror all but won. When the attacks occurred that day, they immediately knew they were terrorists behind the attack. If they responded with military force, they’d break the declaration Obama made just days prior, so they ordered military units that absolutely could have reached the embassy to stand down. Because, you know, our response was the important measure here, not the attack itself.

They decided in those moments that the terrorist attacks were be protests for all time, lest they have to go back on Obama’s declaration. There was an election to win and the electorate never sides with an incumbent when terrorists exist — especially when the president uses decisive action to stop them.

Luckily, the Republican noise machine (which in no way was trying to protect Mitt Romney who had made such a big deal about the attacks after they happened) was able to root out that Obama had not used the magic word to describe the attacks: terrorism. He’d said “terror,” which is entirely different. So they went on the attack and forced the Administration to admit what they knew the second the attacks started.

Then Obama paid off a debate moderator to point out Republicans were idiots for ranting and railing about not using the magic word. Which was the whole diabolical point. If Obama had just ordered the attack, Romney would have never accused him of not using the magic word in the first place, then we’d have a different president.

Because Romney was totally going to win.

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and if the republicans take the senate, it will be Benghazi 24/7
ad infinitum, ad nauseam for two solid years.


Since it is the hedgehog that knows one big thing, I aver that Fox Noose is misnamed.

Worse than that. 109 dead and 96 injured during the Bush administration:

  • Jan. 22, 2002: Attack on U.S. Consulate in Calcutta, India — 5 dead, 16 injured
  • June 14, 2002: Attack on U.S. Consulate in Karachi, Pakistan — 12 dead, 51 injured
  • Feb. 28, 2003: Attack on U.S. Consulate in Karachi, Pakistan — Attacked for the second time in one Year - 2 dead
  • May 12, 2003: Attack on U.S. Compound in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia — 36 dead
  • July 30, 2004: Attack on U.S. Embassy in Tashkent, Uzbekistan — 2 dead
  • Dec. 6, 2004: Attack on U.S. consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia — 9 dead
  • March 2, 2006: Third Attack on Karachi U.S. Consulate — 4 dead
  • Sept. 12, 2006: Attack on U.S. Embassy in Damascus, Syria — 4 dead, 13 injured
  • Jan. 12, 2007: Attack on the U.S. Embassy in Athens, Greece — Luckily nobody was killed
  • March 18, 2008: Attack on the U.S. Embassy in Sana’a, Yemen — 19 dead, 16 injured
  • July 9, 2008: Attack on the U.S. Consulate Istanbul, Turkey — Luckily only the attackers were killed
  • Sept. 17, 2008: Attack on the U.S. Embassy Sana’a, Yemen — 16 people dead


Note: The above list doesn’t even include the myriad attacks on the embassy “green zone” in Iraq.


I’m pretty scared about this too.

I honestly think that the only thing that penetrates the crazy is going to be large scale disaster brought on by climate change. The downside is that we are going to have to wait 40 years for it. By that point, there may be 8 hurricanes per season making landfall in the US, Manhattan will flood every spring, and two or three fisheries will have collapsed form ocean acidification. People, and I mean, PEOPLE who don’t vote and obsess about politics are going to start to notice, and the crazies will run like cockaroaches.

But the world will be consigned to a dystopian future, so we won’t revel in it for very long.

Have a great weekend!!!


Krauthammer must have got paid big bucks to schill. I wonder how much the Koch brothers paid him and the GOP. It must have been in the millions at least. The American people are sick of the GOPs sick obsession with Benghazi. I mean it is becoming close to being in insane territory.

There is no there there. Darrell Issa and his merry band of thugs keep asking for the answer to 2 +2 and when it comes back 4 they accuse the administration of lying. There’s the crime. Millions upon millions of taxpayer dollars wasted on these fishing trips of Issa’s. and now add in the cost of a Select Committee? And when that goes nowhere, will we then have a Select Committee to investigate the IRS? I’m comforted in knowing that the Republican Party thinks $Millions for witch hunts is preferable to millions for food stamps.


The crypt keeper speaks. He is like a floating rib cage propped at that desk, spewing his usual venom.

He is full of shit.

The Crazy is Karl Rove.