Do you not follow the news? I don’t know how many times in how many different media sources it has been repeatedly stated that all research shows there was no order to stand down, because in fact, the U.S. did not have any resources in the area that could have been deployed in the time frame in which the attack took place.
I’ll say this, you are the most loquacious troll I have come across in a while. But to be polite, you are mouthing untruths.
Discussion: Krauthammer Is Back To Hyping Benghazi Again: Email Is Equivalent Of Nixon Tapes (VIDEO)
Sorry. I need to improve my [sarcasm] tags.
You have no new ideas so you lash the Benghazi story AGAIN. Whining old men who can’t get over the fact they lost the election.
I didn’t think the GOP could top the faux outrage over the parsing of what “is is,” but they’ve found a way by parsing attacks vs. demonstrations. Have at it, boys!
it’s obvious they missed the story
And “the story” would be what, Charles?
Number one: the briefing points given to Susan Rice were ambiguous because, one, some 40 demonstrations had taken place in Muslim nations about the anti-Muslim video and the first assessment was that the Benghazi attack was more of the same. While the initial comments blamed the video, words about an organized terrorists attack were also included. Second, the continuation of the video line was probably because the CIA did not want the attackers to know how much we knew, in order to have the group continue communicating so as to gain more about them and their whereabouts.
It was until the videos that had been running at the time of the attack had been returned to Washington–some 10 days–where accurate information–that the attack started in an organized way, later joined by looters–was available.
As to the memo, undoubtedly the administration, as would any administration, try and deflect charges that somehow the administration was at fault. Investigations followed, first by State [State’s security office was reprimanded, including one resignation], followed more recently by the Senate Intelligence Investigation, including the GOP add-on, that did not find anything but the usual confusion after an attack as to who did what, when, and why. I’ve seen this happen after 47 years in a position where these incidents were investigated through post-mortem analyses…
“The point is that Republicans have done a terrible job in building the case," - Krauthammer
Apparently all the previous hearings and investigations into Benghazi, and the 24/7 right-wing news cycle blasting their stupid conspiracy theories and manufactured outrage over the subject for almost two years now isn’t “building the case”.
Hey Krauthammer, you asshole shill, did you ever consider that maybe you don’t have a case because there isn’t really one to be made? Oh, I’m sorry, I thought for a second there that you had good intentions and didn’t have an idiot GOP base to sell snake oil to. Carry on.
While the lower limbic functions of the brain do still work for Dr. Krazyhammer, the higher, reasoning, logic circuits have long since been warped by ideology, money and hate. He is like an old time jukebox that has been wired by the John Birch Society, you put in money and you get one of five recorded messages.
Remember though that FOX news, on a good day, only gets a million viewers. Yes, a million crazy, rabid anti-government minions can do a lot of damage. But, only if the other 299 million of us let them.
Time for us to get angry. And vote.
I think Krauthammer has dyed his hair one time too many and it’s affected his brain.
With Charles one has to assume that the pain and discomfort he suffers every minute of every day has driven him mad.
Yes, evil man, egggzactly the equivalent.
Liars like SourKrauthammer are building a case for impeachment. Folks, if you let the Republicans pick up seats in the House and get the Senate in November, the first item of business for them will be impeachment.
Yet Krauthammer’s hero Ronnie got a pass for 241 Marines getting killed in Lebanon. No one was shouting Beirut!
Benghazi is a direct function of Republican budget cuts.
Now the question for Americans is will Republicans step up to the plate and accept responsibility. Or, as Republicans typically do, blame every one else.
The Bush economic disaster…
… but don’t hold your breathe waiting for Republicans to do the right thing and not the RIGHT thing.
Pssst Rightwingers: No one buys your scandal hysteria except the hater-idiots that are your base. Get it? They’re already voting for the rightwing loon on their ballot so you can stop this charade.
We won’t be able to sustain a democracy. We’ve already devolved into a plutocracy, and it will take decades to return to the world we grew up in. I share your sentiment. I’ve stopped trying to reason with the crazies; it’s like spitting into the wind.
I may not live to see the worst of it, but I feel very bad for the next generation and my grandchildren.
For the same reason they gave him a pass ever since this happened. They’ve been covering for him for over nine years.
Actually, it worked with Watergate, but that was targeting the GOP. The Dims get a pass by the media.
I agree with you that I fear for my children and grandchildren. The nation is sliding into moral decay by the day, and the government is taking more and more control over our lives. They will certainly see the day when freedom and liberty give way to fairness and equality with fairness and equality being determined by Big Brother. You’ve got good reason to fear the future on behalf of your descendants.
Nobody here is going to be able to stop the bloodletting in November, but there won’t be any impeachment, either. You either don’t know how impeachment works, or you are not aware of the limits to any GOP victory in the Senate. Not. Gonna. Happen. Stop the fear mongering.