Discussion: Kobach Will Consider Being Immigration Czar...But Only If His Conditions Are Met

Go to jail. Go directly to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.


Does he request a waiver of the remedial class in the practice of law?


What, no pony?


Didnā€™t see yours before posting mineā€¦ :grinning:

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The last thing he wants.


So, I wonder who leaked this list?


Too modest

Heā€™s only asking for two attorneys. Heā€™s going to need a lot more than that, unless the declaration of martial law over the whole country is part of the plan, and we can all just dispense with law and lawyers.

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Perfect example of how white men who fail keep moving up the ladder and getting hired by other old white men with power. Itā€™s like thereā€™s only a pool of 25 white guys they know from somewhere in their lives.


Patronage jobs.

Still a loathsome little toady. Oh, and evil. How could I forget evil?


Oh, puleeze! It would be good to impeach tRump just so this guy would have nothing to do with US Govt.


Hey, forget the pony, letā€™s go for a unicorn ā€“ itā€™s as unreal as the rest of the stuff on his list.

Aynone wanna bet that the bad publicity connected with this will result in him being passed over?

Nothing a prima donna like Spankee hates more than another prima donna. Particularly if Prima Donna Nr 2 creates bad press for Prima Donna Nr 1ā€¦

ETA: Yup. Didnā€™t get itā€¦ ROFLMFAOā€¦


Kris Kobach will be the Republican nominee for President in 2024. Their voting base has shrunk and radicalised so much that itā€™ll happen. Then the media will twist themselves making THAT look normal.


It takes some serious douchebaggery to take even this White House aback. Canā€™t have the boss feel outclassed and threatened, can we?


Forgive my ignorance on the ā€œCzarā€ positions but is a ā€œCzarā€ suppose to be a higher position than a cabinet Secretary? And in Kobachā€™s list of demands requires him to named head of DHS then heā€™d have to go through Senate confirmation process, well that could be highly entertaining. And then thereā€™s the Inspector Generals within each agency. As Czar would there be no IG to be a check on his administrative procedures?

And most importantly this asshole would be in charge of biggest agency in the US govā€™t., that should scare people, a lot of people.


Here is K-K-Kris list Demands Of Hostage.

h/t Tierney Sneed via Twitter


Theyā€™re a non-entity, essentially. Not Senate-confirmed, so definitely not above the Secretaries.

Kobachā€™s dream-list aside, several of his points are actually smart-- The requirement that the President instruct the Secretaries that they have to follow his instructions, for example, and the walk-in privileges.

Otherwise heā€™d be taking a shit job that he knows is going to end with him under the bus for nothing, as heā€™d only have the power that the coward president gives him, but will take all the blame.

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Well under a bus or under a bridge makes no difference to me, but a cage would be nice.



Kobach doesnā€™t seem to realize that Dear Leader is the ONLY ONE who gets to go on TV and bash immigrants.
Anyone trying to take that spotlight away from Dear Leader will get the knife in the back.

Kobach must have an ego a mile-wide and an inch-deep to DEMAND his conditions in the face of Dear Leaderā€™s narcissistic need to the center of attention in ALL THINGS (especially his immigrant-bashing, which is the center-piece of his re-election campaign.)

Kobach just slit his own throat.

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