Discussion: Kobach Wants To Force His Way Into Last-Ditch Kansas Senate Lawsuit

Taking lessons from Katherine Harris.

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Sad, sad people those who still believe in trickle down supply side economics.

Kobach - a new label for ‘punk-ass loser’

Shameless --just shameless.

Here’s an idea. The Democratic party should select Mr. David Orel for the nomination. He’s a Democrat and he’s not well enough known that he’d actually win. I’d love to see Mr. Orel campaign for the job.

Not a bleep about Kobach’s move in the local press. Apparently, there is still some sanity around here, enough to recognize that Kobah’s a helpless, whiny little hypocrit on the integrity of elections, and in respecting the wishes of all of the voters. I think the media has figured out that by covering his antics, that in itself is sealing his fate at becoming the loser that he is. They’re afraid to pile on and magnify his utter stupidity. They feel sorry for him, and want to protect what little integrity he has left.

And Orel has been a registered Republican before. In his own words, he’ll cacus with the majority, whichever party that happens to be. Republicans will be very glad to have him if they actually capture the Senate.

Roberts has listed his “primary residence” as being in Virginia. That fact along should convince Kobach that he’s disqualified himself from being the Repubhlican nominee for Kansas. He’s admitting that he is not a resident of this state. If Kobach was sincere in his belief in the sanctity of election law, this fact alone disqualifies him from being on the ballot. Hence, Kobach should remove the Republican nominee because he is not a resident of this state. He clearly does not represent the interests of Kansas any longer. He’s dependent on Kansans to send him back home with a paycheck, instead of sending him back home as a newly unemployed.