Discussion: Kobach Wants To Force His Way Into Last-Ditch Kansas Senate Lawsuit

Discussion for article #228091



Any ditch is a good place for Kobach…


Fuck this guy.


“Kobach already ordered overseas military ballots to be sent without a Democratic candidate”

Kobach, confident that oversees ballots that go primarily to military personnel will poll heavily in the GOP/Teatrolls’ favor, already ordered overseas military ballots to be sent without a Democratic candidate



Not with someone else’s Johnson.


And just to note, we’ve seen these stories side by side now:

GOP/Teatrolls in control of WI elections insist that it’s too late to challenge one of their candidates’ candidacies even though it has been proven she voted in WI and IL alternately over the past couple years seemingly at whim and therefore arguably cannot establish her residency in WI…because “that’s the rules.”

GOP/Teatrolls in control of KS insist that Dems simply name another candidate without the candidate having to jump through all the hoops of obtaining signatures, winning a primary, or even wanting to be a candidate in the first place, etc…all of which it’s most likely too late to do under the rules…simply because that’s what would help them win.


So they would be invalid if the regular ballot lists a candidate that is not on the absentee, right?


It’s illegal to have two different ballots for the same election.


Definition of Insanity: Joining the same lawsuit over, and over again and expecting a different result.


Why? Why is there not a PAC or candidate in Kansas hitting the airwaves with attack ads highlighting the way this POS is acting?

It is time to get nasty and attack! Blow this all over the airwaves in Kansas from Kansas City to the far rural corners of the state, making sure that everyone knows how much of their TAXPAYER money this clown is wasting away!

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The best part would be if the Democrats found a person named Pat Roberts to be their candidate.

So many of the people in Kansas appear to dislike Pat Roberts (the Republican Senator) they would vote for anyone EXCEPT Pat Roberts, meaning the independent candidate would win.


The GOP looks so desperate. I wonder if they know how much worse these ploys make them look to voters?


Good question. I dunno the answer, but I could certainly conjure up an argument that it would invalidate the entire election haha

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And the definition of incompetence for a state secretary is to keep pursuing injunctive relief on the wrong test.

D’oh … try again … d’oh … and again … d’oh … maybe this time … d’oh … okay now: concentrate this time … d’oh … maybe I’m doing something wrong here … d’oh … keep trying … d’oh … if at first … d’oh … if at eighth you don’t succeed … d’oh … I just go a little faster this time … d’oh … okay maybe slower … d’oh … now I’ll put this here book on administrative law up against my forehead for 8 seconds and rub my tummy … d’oh … now on my knees … d’oh … upside down … d’oh … I know it’s just a matter of time … d’oh … and again … d’oh … this time I’ll open the lawbook and smack myself in the nose … d’oh … one of these times it’s gonna work …


Desperate much?


Yeah, this isn’t Kobach’s last-ditch effort. That will happen on election night if Orman receives more votes than Roberts. He’ll find a reason to claim the results can’t be certified, most likely because his own ineptitude will have created chaos around which ballots should have been used, which ones should be counted, which ones should be rejected. Of course, he’ll blame it on the Democratic party. His solution will probably be to throw out any absentee ballots submitted by college students in other states while keeping overseas military ballots.


Yeah, this isn’t Kobach’s last-ditch effort. That will happen on
election night if Orman receives more votes than Roberts. He’ll find a
reason to claim the results can’t be certified,

I agree. He has proven to be very deft legislatively in KS, AZ and ALEC. We can always hope he will strangle himself with his own red tape.


Kochbach resembles all of the jock coaches I recall from high school, crew cuts are so retro hipster in Kansas.

Perhaps he could get a job as a coach once he’s voted out of office, oh wait, Briownback has gutted schools across the state. Never mind.


I assure you that here in Kansas, everyone knows what’s going on. People are definitely paying attention.


Ding, ding, ding… we have winner.

Think the Franken recount-mess on steroids and with bad intent.