Discussion: Kobach Wants To Force His Way Into Last-Ditch Kansas Senate Lawsuit

At this point Kobach does not care. He is desperate to get a republican elected to the Senate from Kansas. It does not matter if it’s a dead rotting albatross. If there can be an “R” next to its name he’d try to get it elected for that one chance to have a republican majority in the Senate.

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Has Orman said who he would caucus with?

I want to know at what point do we simply stop pretending that elections in Republican-controlled states are even valid?

At what point do we simply send the authorities to remove the con-artists and frauds from their illegally obtained offices?

At what point does the law mean jack shit? I really want to know.


The last gasps of of a dying party. No one believes in your outdated religious racism anymore.

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You know what Kobach is really trying to do? preserve his spot on the post office wingnut welfare gravy train.

Officially, he’s said he will caucus with the party that has the larger number of seats. Unofficially, though, all you have to do is look at how quickly Democrats have rallied to him, and how desperately Republicans are trying to slow him down, to figure out what he’ll be doing.

I would like to address the part of your post dealing with Kobach being voted out of office. Does anyone know what that looks like presently in Kansas?

No, and he certainly would not want to until after the election. It would be death to his candidacy to announce that either way.


How about nominating Kris Kobach himself as the candidate? That would burn him up!

He’s currently polling behind Jean Schodorof, the Dems’ candidate.

That won’t happen. Kobach will send revised ballots if the Democrats name a candidate.

Kris Kobach is a total punk. When he loses this one maybe he should go down to Mississippi and help the rotten loser Chris McDaniels not get on any ballot.


The Court can make him a party, but he can’t change the facts.

It’s either that or you have stumbled onto a transcript of the night that Kobach consummated his marriage.

Slightly OT: According to Wikipedia, Kobach has four daughters, one of whom is named Reagan. That pretty much tells you all you need to know.

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If Kobach looses his office for how long could he litigate an Orman win (if it happens) as the Kansas SoS? Is it one or 2 months?

In Kobach’s official status as SOS, he cannot be party to this lawsuit because he’s also on Robert’s campaign committee. He has a professional conflict of interest, and thus disqualified himself from joining the lawsuit. Either quit his job as SOS, thus enabling him to join the lawsuit, or stand aside and let the law be the law. He can’t have it both ways.


Is Mississippi still entertaining lawsuits for the their Republican primary?

Why would any rational human think that Kobach’s obsession with this is a good use of taxpayer resources? If I were a Kansan of any party I would be outraged and demand his immediate resignation.

Better if he’s in it, under several feet of dirt.