Thanks for this! Much appreciated. But it doesn’t do much to calm me down, alas.
So the Republican Secretary of State in Kansas is dissing the Republican Secretary of State in Florida? What a jerk!
When the sky is pitch black, even the dimmest light can be a star.
Would you settle for paranoia and corruption? I think that sickos like Kobach have convinced themselves that they’re somehow right, even though all of the evidence is against them.
A taco short of a combo plate…
Stop using FACTS when Kobach is trying to scare all the old white people in Flor-i-DUH! into a frenzy of racist paranoia.
With Kobach, I have to go with corruption, but they have blurred the line enough that it’s getting hard to tell.
I’m sitting right here in Florida and no one down here is worried about it. Perhaps Sec. Kobach should stick to the affairs of Kansas…which he helped fuck up supremely. We can fuck up our shit all by our ‘lil sevs’.
Well, then, there’s always Xanax with a warm milk chaser
To quote Bullwinkle, “This time for sure!”
So what you are saying is Kolbach and Trump are Chicken Little.
I am sure someone in the audience is more familiar than I am with the topic of voter suppression in Florida prior to the 2000 election. As I recall, the Secretary of State’s office used “voter caging” methods, whereby they would send an official letter to a specific person at a specific residence. If the letter came back undelivered, that person would be removed from the voter rolls. The result, as I recall, was thousands of Floridians, mostly minorities, showed up at the polls only to discover that they were no longer registered voters, and, in most cases, couldn’t vote. I realize the voter rolls need to be purged every few years, but requiring someone who has voted to prove he has a right to vote is damn undemocratic. In spite of these and other methods, it appears that Gore won Florida overall but was denied the state through shenanigans on the part of the Bushies (Katherine Harris and Brother Jeb) as well as some poor decisions by the Gore people. This is what real “voter fraud” looks like to me, and Kobach is the poster boy for this kind of baloney.
Yes. They have nothing to offer but fear itself, and you know the advice we got on that which will always be relevant.
Kris Kobach is a racist.
We have to come up with a catchy term for Chicken Hawks who, after the avoided the Draft, and when running for Right Wing Political Party, are also Chicken Littles. Morning Coffee is insufficiently creativity inspiring to do it on my own right now.
That is what I’m thinking - Galactics!!!
How are clowns like Kobach allowed to lie with such impunity? Nothing he says is based in fact, and he has proof of absolutely nothing, of course. It is a disgrace that fact-free vandals and mountebanks like this government-sponsored asshole are allowed to even mix with the general population! Kobach has proven himself a true “Enemy of the People”, and I predict his fall is imminent.
They look like Rick Scott voters to me. And perhaps family members as well.
“States Rights” for me, but not for thee