Discussion: Kobach: 'There’s A Very Real Risk' Non-Citizens Voting Will Swing Florida

sharp as a bowling ball —


Aaaaand the GOP comes 'round and speaks up on behalf of their boy, Don Trump.
Because Don Trump is their boy after all.

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AZ yes, TX and KS no. HRC’s chances in those two states, per 538, is in the mid-teens.

I cant wait for the Florida Republican Secretary of State to respond.
Just a gol durn minute
“Hey it ain’t happening here . We suppress votes all fair and square with ID laws , blocking voter registration, purging voter rolls , pitching absentee ballots . We’re in the bag for Trump and will easily defeat the hordes of non-citizens”


There’s a lot of these guys doing this and that makes it very frustration to deal with. We know and they know it’s bullshit. But fortunately it boils down to this: they need it. The Liberal side of American politics is emergent and does not. The future of America jibes with politics that embrace pluralism. It doesn’t look so good for the future of Kobach’s vision of Conservatism though ( many old school Conservatives would argue Kobach no conservative at all ) so this. They need this. But even with it Trumpism, Tea Party Freedom Caucus bullshit is agonal. At best Voter Fraud offers a short stop gap.


Here we go. It’s started already. Time to start squarely reporting the systematic GOP attempt to undermine our democracy. It’s the only way to counter this. Talk about ‘crazies’ and ‘whining losers’ etc are accurate and will do some good, but it isn’t enough–and more important, it doesn’t address the reality of the situation, which is that the GOP has transformed itself into a populist Fifth Column that seeks to deprive the elected government of its constitutional legitimacy. The very basis of American democracy is now squarely under attack, and the attack will only intensify once Trump loses. Let’s be clear: this isn’t the American Freedom Party, this is the GOP itself.


Radical GOP Terrorist: “There’s a very real risk that a battleground state could be decided by non-citizens voting.”

Playing. With. Fire.


“The ardent anti-immigration, pro-voting-restriction Trump supporter argued that non-citizens voting in Florida could swing the election”

Translation: People of color aren’t REAL Americans, and their votes should not be counted.

FIFY, you self serving, power hungry, undemocratic bigot.

And as a Floridian, prepare to have your ass handed to you on election night. We got this.


“I think there’s no question that the number of aliens registered to
vote in Florida is probably in the tens of thousands and the number
voting is probably going to be in the thousands, so I think there’s a
very real risk that a battleground state could be decided by
non-citizens voting,”

You’d think those sharp-eyed Republican poll watchers would notice all of these aliens, but I guess they’re not quite on the ball.



UV Sabato’s Crystal Ball as of today, very accurate over the years, has KS very, very red. But notice all the shades of blue on the map and the forecast of 352 EVs for HRC.


Edit: Obama should address the country on this issue now, before the election. It’s that serious. Our democracy is in peril.


Trump’s base is now narrowing down to the rotten core, which is racists and rapists. Kobach is the former.

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I’ll go with door number 2…

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The ardent anti-immigration, pro-voting-restriction Trump supporter argued that non-citizens voting in Florida could swing the election

Umm…no. Tell you what, we’ll just concede Florida right now. Hillary still wins with at least 300 EVs. Dumbass.

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We better round them up. On trains.

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Oh, please! Please! Please, let that happen! Gawd, how I hate that fucker! — also a KS_Resident

If anyone should be deported and/or forced to display proof of citizenship every time he steps out into a public space it is Kris Kobach… Koback is the guy who wrote a law here in Arizona SB 1070 which we call the “papers please” law. He is from Kansas… what frigging right does he have to write laws for Arizona?


Do yourself a favor and calm down by taking a look at the article in the Wichita newspaper where this interview ran. Kobach doesn’t get to spew without others rebutting his crazy statement with facts. And if you don’t care to read it, here are some important excerpts.

Rick Hasen, an election law expert at the University of California, Irvine School of Law, said that “all of the evidence of non-citizen voting shows that it is a very small problem.”

“Despite all of Kobach’s rhetoric for the last decade, non-citizen voting has consistently been found to be a very small problem,” Hasen said. “This is more about Kobach promoting his own agenda, his own anti-immigration and voter fraud agenda, than it is about any real problem with how we run our elections.”

Rep. Jim Ward, D-Wichita, said it is “beyond belief that the top election official in Kansas would cast doubt on the legitimacy of elections in this country.”

“He of all people should understand that faith in the democratic process is a key component for a successful democracy,” Ward said. “Donald Trump’s not losing the election because it’s fixed. Donald Trump’s losing the election because he’s far and away the worst major party candidate for president in the last 75 years.”



It’s not paranoia, it’s corruption.

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“My sources have told me legions of Daleks already early-voted in Palm Beach County.”