Proof? Proof? We don’t need no stinking’ Proof!!
so all those voter ID laws crammed down our throats are useless?
Non-Citizens: We sure will. We are coming to vote for Trump.
ISIS: So are we.
Maybe Kobach should pay more attention to the economic collapse of Kansas and avoidance of his contempt of court charges.
Evidently Kobach don’t think Rick Scott and his minions know how to run an election, they will take it gracefully, I am sure.
Lol, I thought exactly that too.
Why don’t you polish turds in Kansas, asshole.
That is one corrupt son-of-a-bitch.
And this clown is a ‘rising star’ in the Republican Party?
“I think there’s no question that the number of aliens registered to vote in Florida is probably in the tens of thousands and the number voting is probably going to be in the thousands,…"
OK, this statement, on it’s face, makes no sense. In order to register to vote in FL, you have to have some sort of voter ID. Having successfully registered, you are accepted into the system as a legitimate voter.
GOP mantra: “My mind is made up, don’t confuse me with the facts”.
Followed by fingers in ears and loud chanting of “LALALALALALALA I CAN’T HEAR YOU I CAN’T HEAR YOU LALALALALA!!!”
And there’s a genuine risk, though vanishingly small, that Kobach will be brained by a random meteorite’s crashing through the roof and plonking him dead. I marvel at the formidable patience of the universe.
“The number of aliens registered to vote in Florida is probably in the tens of thousands…”
Take us to your voting booths.
And when the vote count turns out to be over your prediction in favor of HRC… will you eat those words ?? …
Or will we need to shove them down your throat ? —
I’ve said it several times and I’ll say it again.
I was born in North Dakota, the only state in the country with no voter registration. Here’s what happens when you Google ‘North Dakota does not have voter registration’:
ND repealed it’s voter registration in 1951. That was 65 years ago. So ND should have voter fraud up the ying-yang, right Kris?
Except it doesn’t and never has. Which do you think sounds more likely?
- People are more honest in North Dakota than in the rest of the country.
- The voter fraud claim is a bunch of horseshit.
But the presence of such a completely unhinged paranoid running elections in Kansas shouldn’t result in any concerns about the results there.
BTW Florida has roughly 12 million registered voters. If only half of those vote, the current poll margin for Hillary would translate to roughly 200,000 votes. So even if Kobach weren’t a lying sack of sh*t his claim would still be garbage.
Putin: I am sending enough from Russia to cover the swing states.
wonder how big a brick this asshole will shit if Kansas actually went for Hillary despite his best efforts… it’s as likely as a meteorite hitting him altho Texas and Arizona seem to be in play and how unlikely was/is that?
How crazy is Kobach? Let me count the ways:
The door has come off its hinges.
The chandelier bulbs are dimming.
The oars aren’t in the water.
The elevator stops well short of the top floor.
Four cents short of a nickel.