Discussion: Klobuchar: Being Mean To My Staff Proves I Can Deal With Putin

Oh well, it was good while it lasted.

Iā€™d argue that legislating is a different ball 'o wax than presidenting. President, especially the next one, is going to require a HIGHLY functional team. Senator can wing it more independently or with a smaller, less functional staff in my estimation.


Thereā€™s no indication in any of the Amy stories that she has created such a management style that would inhibit her ability to listen to staff or to people in general. This is especially true when you analyze her actual record as a Senator and as a politician. Youā€™ve already bought the myth of these stories without critically analyzing them. Does eating salad with a comb or throwing a manila folder on the ground create a culture of toxicity? Hardly.


I disagree completely. The way someone treats the people beneath them tells you more about someone than anything. Bad bosses lead to bad workplaces. They prefer loyalty over competence and then get mad because they canā€™t keep anyone smart. Good bosses hire competent employees who they trust because they know that the bottom-up approach works better.

A politician who thinks itā€™s their job to berate underlings also wonā€™t think theyā€™re our employee. And her justification of this is incredibly condescending, as if weā€™re all too stupid to see how her abusive behavior is a good thing. And itā€™s dumb anyway, because we have professional negotiators and the president shouldnā€™t negotiate directly with Putin. Definitely a red flag.


I love how quickly this primary is proceeding. Great set of candidates but itā€™s not a bad thing that weā€™re getting clarity early on with the best of the best already standing out (i.e.Warren and Buttigieg). Now if Joe and Bernie can just drop dead or go awayā€¦


Amy, still trying to get out of the gate. This is embarrassing - but well-deserved. Gotta play nice Amy.

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You are dead wrong. How someone treats staff is directly related to how they do their job, how successful and efficient they are. We have an embarrassment of riches, vis-a-vis Democratic presidential candidates. This lame excuse making instead of owning the problem IS the problem, and we donā€™t need that. And donā€™t bother descending into what-about-ism, ainā€™t nobody buying it.


If this is still a story, I donā€™t think the Democrats will do well next year. Iā€™m sorry, but a nation of fucking idiots deserves to have a fucking idiot for their leader. If we wish to move ahead of this, we must first pull our own heads out of our asses people. Stop obsessing on Bullshit!


Donā€™t conflate the two. One can be an asshole and yet still have the respect of the people who work for you.

A person who demeans and puts down others is a different ballgame.

So you see no problem in the fact that, out of 100 Senate offices, Klobacher scored 3rd last year, and usually ā€˜winsā€™ on turnover?

That may work in the Senate, with a small scope of direct responsibility.

The Chief Executive is in charge, by direct line of authority, to millions.


Iā€™m probably wrong here, but Iā€™m not looking for a date. I seriously donā€™t give a fuck. If she can lead, then she has my attention. Iā€™ve lived through a President people felt they could have a beer with (Bush the lesser), and he really screwed us over. Now we have a total narcissist that ā€œspoke the peopleā€™s languageā€ who is permanently damaging our country.

Sheā€™s a meanie. I. Donā€™t. Care.

I donā€™t know enough about her to know if sheā€™s presidential material, but I care about competence, not personality.

Sorry if Iā€™m being harsh, this was a shitty day.


Klobuchar, bye bye, we hardly knew yeā€¦but enough to dump your ass

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Thereā€™s also the notion that there are bosses you could ā€œwithā€ as a peer, a fellow boss or cooperator, but never ā€œforā€. Iā€™ve experienced this myself. Iā€™ve met Park Superintendents at meetings who seemed quite amiable, only to find out they were complete assholes to their staff. To the point of being removed or transferred.


She sounds just like Pompeo, Trump and Bolton. Good luck in politics, bitch.

We have just had a two year experiment proving character matters. If we didnā€™t have better choices your argument might be meaningful. But we do , and it isnā€™t.


A Presidentā€™s ability to attract and retain skilled, experienced staff is a valuable asset. Lacking such an ability would be a concern.


History says Iā€™m not wrong. Bill Clinton - asshole to staff. LBJ - big time asshole. Jimmy Carter - nice guy. Reagan - prick. George W. Bush - nice guy. Go into other industries (e.g., business or sports world) and you can come up with a lot more examples. Being tough is valued and it doesnā€™t mean being nice. I get that this issue is important to you or that you value it and thatā€™s your right. But the notion that being a prick boss has anything to do with success and efficiency is empirically incorrect.


ā€œYou want someone that demands the answers and thatā€™s going to get things done, and thatā€™s what Iā€™ve done my whole life.ā€

Itā€™s grammatically incorrect (should be who instead of that) but also straight out of La La Land. The American people have been demanding answers, getting bullshit and tweets in response, and itā€™s going to take subpoenas issued by the House to get answers from this admin.

Senator, since your now applying to the American people for a job, you seem to not have the temperament for it, and from reports, itā€™s fairly evident that youā€™re a bully.

Should I hurl a binder at you to emphasize my point?


I had that. Super smart boss, I learned tons from her, but she had that toxic thing going on. Our office had the highest turnover of any for a few years, people couldnā€™t take the belittling. I hung on the longest, but finally had to get transferred to a different office.

When I was no longer working for her, we could work with each other just fine.


First and foremost the president is leading a team. The most effective president is the president who can lead a TEAM of effective people. I donā€™t think this is possible if the presidentā€™s team doesnā€™t have the presidentā€™s trust, backing, support, etc. This is not to say that the president shouldnā€™t be demanding - this is a different matter.

As an aside, just consider for the moment just how bad things would be now if Trump had a well oiled machine for HIS team and if he was able to properly manage his own team. Think about itā€¦

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