Discussion: Key House Republican Vows To Change Medicare In 2017

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Don’t foolishly think Medicare is safe, just 'cause some Republican senators appear hesitant about taking on its destruction in 2017.

Going forward, with (mostly) far-right Republicans in control of Congress, with a dangerous impulse-driven menace in the Oval Office, and with darlings of the Federalist Society soon to dominate the Supreme Court, nothing is safe in America. Or in the world. Or, indeed, on or under the land or in the waters or in the air surrounding this planet.


Ah, so that’s the scam: we need to save Medicare.

Let’s just apply this to Confederate states, as part of a 2-for-1 deal when you take away their healthcare. As it already is a petri dish, the rest of us can look on and take notes to see if it works. Like we do with Kansas.


Sorry, Lauren. The GOP is not planning to “change” Medicare. They are planning to DO AWAY with it. Abrogate it, disappear it, assassinate it, kill it, make it an ex-entitlement, make it pine for the fiords.


all the intelligent knowing Republicans explaining how Medicare is in “trouble” need only publish a power point of projections and audit the program of course the elephant in the room is the money the Guvt borrowed lets see it all tell the american people who pay their money into Medicare exactly the numbers Brady or shut up one or the other tell it all!


When the doctor tells you that the diagnosis will “change your life”, it’s not good news.


This is really shaping up to be the billionaires’ club end game. Destroy the validity of nation states and take everyone’s money. Too bad they forgot they’re outnumbered.

Sorry, reposting on China thread.


“It became necessary to destroy Medicare in order to save it.”
— House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady, 2017


OK, moron. We’re calling your bluff.

If you really have enough votes to pass this without any Dems in both the House and the Senate, send it to the sh*tgibbon in the WHe him sign it and hav. Go ahead. All of us will see what happens in 2018.


But they’ll buy the valuable brand name in the liquidation sale and slap it on whatever senior citizen corporate finance rape they call the “replacement” so Glenn Kessler can give Democrats’ alarm that they’re abolishing it four pinnochios.


Dear Congressman,

How about an experiment to “save” Medicare. Test your ideas in one state, say Texas. See if they work. Come back to us in 4 years with results.


Who do you think will be whining/wailing the loudest when the lose O-Care and Medicare, the right or the left?
Can’t you hear the whining and wailing from the uneducated deplorables that put Trump in charge when they find out that they no longer have any type of healthcare except what costs the most, with no help from the republican government!
It will serve everyone single one of right when granny can’t get any medical help or one of their adorable little snowflakes croaks, cause they couldn’t afford any medicine!
Bring it on Trump, keep your word by repealing O-Care in your 1st hour in office!
For those of you who voted for Clinton, if you have Republican Rep/Senator write them and tell them to keep their word on repealing O-Care!
E-mail them at least once a week, plus call their offices regularly to remind the staff you expect their boss to repeal O-Care and get rid of Medicare/Caid ASAP!


Their “talking point” phrase is “change”, “overhaul”, or “save”. Instead of quoting their talking point (that is, their lie) in the headline, even in double quotes, how about using plain English words, like “reduce” or “destroy” or the other words that @ralph_vonholst uses.

This is a matter of journalistic integrity.


Brady, however, remained vague about what exactly he wanted to do.

Talkin’ shit, as usual.


I think the best defense for Medicare is to politely press the good Congressman for details on his plan at every turn :stuck_out_tongue:


This is one issue, maybe the only one right now, that can unite working people from both parties. Trump did not campaign on breaking Medicare/SS, in fact he repeatedly said he would keep his hands off it. If We the People can’t bring on the whoopass over this, then we are incapable of doing anything. Schumer and Sanders have a press conference scheduled for Wed. in which they will call out Republicans on their horrific plan. In the meantime, please sign this petition: http://bit.ly/2gytPFz


Save. You keep using that word, Congressman. I do not think it means what you think it means.


OMB says Medicare is solvent to 2028
this guy says:
"Voters have figured out Republicans want to save Medicare for the long
term, and they know that those who say everything’s just fine with it
aren’t leveling with them."
OK… non scare tactics:
We have 12 years to fix Medicare…assuming these numb skulls don’t kill Obamacare.


And drop government health insurance, etc. from Congress. Tell us how good that is for you personally.


My recollection is that Senators and Representatives, as well as their staffs, get their health insurance through Obamacare. Happy to ve corrected on this if I am wrong.

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