Discussion: Key Governors Come Out Against Senate's Latest Obamacare Repeal Bill


Thank you, Governors - signators. The senate GOP is about to lose its collective mind, again, led by men trying to please a president - non of which is about the health and well being of their constituents. Much of the nation thanks you - and are joining in making our voices heard. Unfortunately Donald’s hissy/twitter fits has turned some senators spine into moldy applesauce.


Called both Murkowski and Sullivan’s offices in DC again this morning and left messages on what I suspect are their overfull answering machines. Please please call your senators today as well no matter if they are ® or (D). This bill has got to be killed.


Although it’s beating a dead horse, but wouldn’t it be nice if the Senators put a scintilla of the energy and effort they’re putting into taking away healthcare from millions into, say, trying to determine if a foreign power interfered with our election? Or if the president is illegally making millions off his properties? Oops, I forgot it’s okay when you’re a Republican.


Future Senate reaction: Yeah, well, what do a bunch of governors know about health care for their states? They should stay quiet and worry about spending the money we’re placing in their hands.


That letter is great. What would be greater? Actually taking action by getting their Senators to kill the bill

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Neither Tillis nor Burr are movable on this, but I did call to voice my opinion. I also thanked them for the bill to protect Mueller (Tillis) and the Intel committee’s hard work (Burr), since I’m not a total asshole.

ON A POSITIVE NOTE: Apparently Pence begged Manchin to vote for the repeal bill and Joe told him to take a hike. It’s a good sign they’re still desperate for votes.


McConnell and Ryan: “Even more reason to hurry up and pass this POS NOW!”


Isn’t that precious! These governors actually think the folks in their Party in D.C. actually give two flying monkey shites what they think! Awwww! So cute!!!


I don’t know why some progressives are so cynical about Manchin. While I get that he obviously is a very conservative Democrat (maybe you could even say, a DINO), he has been consistently sticking with the Democratic Party on major Democratic priorities like this despite concerns that he might go hardcore turncoat on us and vote with the Republicans to get rid of ACA.


He’s in a very red state so the demographics dictate what kind of dem he can be


Especially with ACA repeal. The bill is a mess, it’s devoid of any sweeteners present in BCRA or skinny repeal, and while there’s no CBO it’s guaranteed to shove at least 20 million off their insurance and bankrupt families with pre-existing conditions (AKA everyone). Manchin, Heitkamp, Donnelly, Tester – nobody is touching that crapola.


Exactly. Some people just don’t get that piece. Part of the reason that we’re even dealing with this ACA repeal business again is that some Democrats felt that the former Democratic Senator, Mary Landrieu, who Cassidy replaced, was insufficiently progressive despite being in red-state Louisiana.


Donnelly is my Democratic Senator here in Indiana- the only(?) statewide elected Democrat left incidentally- and, yes, his voting record on ACA has been in the right place despite the very regressive nature of our state and how threatened politically he is.


That’s great, but I’m afraid that most Republican Senators will still just do their best impression of Shania Twain’s “That Don’t Impress Me Much!”


Trump: We only need to listen to Electoral College of Republican Governors. They are all for anything but ObamaCare aka TrumpCare. I am fine with that.


Before the fallout of the ACA repeal # 1 the senate was making deals hand over fist to senators of states over these same objections…

Needless to say that they love the idea of being able to steer said block grant funds to red state districts…

The open secret is that Governors of all stripes hate block grants for healthcare at all. They don’t want the responsibility of managing healthcare. They’d rather point fingers at the Fed’s than have it on their own plates to make compromises which always piss off someone.


Yes these progressives can’t seem to understand you can’t run hard left candidates in red states and expect to win. Like it or not some states in this country are still very conservative and the dems have to run according to their local demographics


Not according to the left - they keep yapping that if we send real progressive populist candidates into red states we’ll win. The problem is we aren’t liberal enough.

Which is the mirror image of the Tea Party and I wish this shit would stop because I do not want to see the Democrats get Tea Partied from the left.