Discussion: Key GOPer 'Misspoke' When He Said Trump 'Right' To Ban Green Card Holders

One would think that “The chair of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security” would be able to hold his own without his full staff at his elbow.

It appears I was wrong.

That’s another thing… The Republicans can’t admit error. Why is that?

Sessenbrenner is torn. On one hand, there will be rich rewards for those who get onboard with the groveling and bootlicking required by the New Order soonest. On the other, if this all comes tumbling down, he doesn’t want to be standing under the rubble. Poor man, what to do, what to do?

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He seems to think that because his district went for Trump that he should agree with all things Trumpian. He does not realize or care that many of those voters may have shifted their opinion and that many of his newly vocal constituents are as anti him as they are Trump. Clueless, arrogant, FUCK!

You didn’t misspeak, you lying fuck!

Well, we always knew (Non)Sensenbrenner was an asshole. This just confirms it.

That shuc idiots are actually legislators! :dizzy_face:

Well, we always knew (Non)Sensenbrenner was an asshole. This just confirms it.

That such idiots are actually legislators! :dizzy_face:

Translation: he actually spoke his mind and they can’t let that out

This guy, born into wealth (Kimberly-Clark) has spent his entire adult life on the public dole; the Wisconsin dole since 1969 and the federal dole–as a congressman–since 1979. All I can add is, what a colossal waste of federal dollars. P.S. He claims he went to law school. Must have skipped immigration law.

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That’s the dance you have to do when your lips are firmly implanted in trump’s ass.


Hah. Sensenbrenner is known for his premature ejaculations. His timing is atrocious…just ask his wife.

I didn’t know that about him. Thanks.
That makes the jokes about him so much easier. Don’t they make Depends, Kleenex, and toilet paper? Hah. He might want to check out a few of those family brands right about now. The effluence that generally comes out of this guy, from all orifices, is simply overwhelming.

Well at least the Cheeto administration speaks with one unified voice, DOH!

In fact, it’s more of a pre-misspeak combined with a current factual faux pas that ends with a tossed word salad of repeal and replacement, as ironic as that is.

Banning Muslims and green cards is the tried and true red meat that feeds the flock, once acted upon the red meat looks more like sour grapes and a big lemon.