Discussion: Key GOPer 'Misspoke' When He Said Trump 'Right' To Ban Green Card Holders


I guess we should call him No Sensenbrenner.



Of course, it is impossible to verify these things, but the RoguePOTUS Staff twitter account sure sounds real and, if so, provides interesting insider goings-on in the White House. I highly recommend to check out. Anyway…the following tweet was interesting and potentially pertinent.

POTUS not pleased with Priebus using @MeetThePress appearance to promise green card change that POTUS rejected. Feels his hand was pushed.


Misspoke? Definition, please.

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Curiously, these dim bulbs always seem to "misspeak " when they get blasted by a more rational citizenry.May I suggest they weigh the consequences of a glib rubber stamp to the actions of an obvious mental patient…they would not look so wishy-washy.

How long will it take for Trump to smoke out the rogue diplomats or will he just say “you’re fired!” to the entire diplomatic corps.


Now that’s going to have a lot of competition!

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Any mildly sane person would call this dis-administration a complete clusterfuck.
Any mildly sane person would accurately describe any and all of its policies would characterize is as completely *FUBAR.

Micturition Man and his minions, of course, simply call their methods and madness “alternative competence.”

*FUBAR = Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition

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sounds like maybe someone got some less-than-pleased calls/visits to his office from some constituents.

on a related note, i called my congressman’s office this morning (Gerry Connolly) and told the young woman who answered the phone (probably an intern) that i was proud of him and everyone in his office, and that they should keep up the great work.

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Oh, sweet Jeebus on a cracker surfing in a metro sewer:

Who would have ever suspected that Comrade Coir Coif has actually introduced the latest health fad?!?


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“Misspoke” is coded language for being a “dumb shit.”


Even Shorter GOP Bootlicker: “Oops, wrong stamp.”

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"Swamp doesn’t do diplomacy ! "

R + WI = Asshole. Amazing isn’t it? Sad.

No doubt senility is setting in and he forgot what having a green card means.

Representative Sans-un-brain-er

Like the Haggar Sansabelt Pants Midwestern Males who voted for Trump wear.

Another Republican bigot gets busted by what THEY SAY on tape…which forces them to later back pedal or to even lie as Trump does on a regular basis.

Republicans have proven over and over that they are NOT to be trusted and their words are lies and alternate facts (propaganda).

Lies, lies, and more lies…it is how Republicans stay in power with such a poorly educated and gullible base of white nationalists.

And this is just the first 10 days.

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