The GOP “mainstream” has given the extremists in their party such a long, long leash and equivocated and dodged the implications of the deeper shades of crazy in their midst for so long, they have lost the resistance “muscle” when it comes to standing up to anyone on the right (of course, they overdeveloped it for “standing up” to centrist Dems). They are used to making “strong” statements that they never have to back up because the press won’t come back and say “McCain objected to this policy, but later voted for it. Why?” They haven’t stood up to one of their own since Nixon, and I’m sure Ailes, et al. wanted to make sure that sort of thing never happens again even if it means WWIII on our shores as the world moves to stop our insanity.
When it comes to insinuating something that may offend the big orange baby, Congressmen have to tread lightly. I predict that in the next few weeks we’ll be hearing lots of euphemisms for “fixing this clusterfuck.”
"I’d rather them have a few days to come back and talk to us a little
bit more about what they’re really going to do, and then I’d judge that,
and then there might be some legislative action. "
Spoiler alert: No, there won’t be under any circumstances. It may not matter much, though, since Pres Traitor McSexOffender is consolidating power by removing career professionals with a likely goal of eventually dissolving congress.
ETA: I am watching some republican I don’t recognize say that it was ok to make the change at the NSC because Bannon was in the navy and has a degree in national security. This apparently makes the political appointee so well suited for the job that he can replace the two traditional attendees who actually are responsible for our national security.
By the way, there is no statement on this from Senator Burr, the chairman of the senate intel committee.
On Maher’s latest show he made a point that the Democrats have no power right now, and the only way out of this insane nightmare is for sane Republicans to start pulling together and introducing even the tiniest bit of reason. They have to stop caving to every absurdity inflicted on us by the Orange Thing and his Nazi handler.
i don’t always agree with Maher, but I do welcome any semblance of sanity from Congressional Republicans.
We won’t rein this monster in until the streets look like they did in the 60s, with ongoing mass protests at each new outrage. Only if the Rethug Congress starts to feel vulnerable will we see real corrective steps start. We are going to need to keep the pressure up on this vicious, deranged bastard every single day, until he is housebroken, loses his mind (25th Amend.) or is impeached and removed.
The problem is that I don’t find this terribly assertive:
“I think they understand it was a misfire here,” Corker told reporters
Monday on Capitol Hill. "I’d rather them have a few days to come back
and talk to us a little bit more about what they’re really going to do,
and then I’d judge that, and then there might be some legislative
action. "
Yes, you really get the sense the Pres Traitor McSexOffender is rethinking this order with the tweetstorm featured here:
While somewhat cynical, I’m not particularly fatalistic, but the NSC Bannon story is a very big fucking deal. Executive orders written in 20 minutes with no input from the agencies that will be affected strikes some people as both mean spirited and clownish, but it was something he campaigned on. Replacing the Chairman of the JCS and DNI is on an entirely different level.
Granted, Corker tends to be one of the first to start paying lip service to problems like this in order to save his own neck, but it’s still quite remarkable that within 10 days of being sworn in, the GOP/Teatrolls have had to come out and say that they maybe just might have to consider stepping in to pick up a mess President Profiteer has made. They should be celebrating stepping on our necks right now, running rampant with their oligarchy porn legislation etc. Instead, they’re having to confront the possibility that they have to clean up after the infant in the Oval Office.
Trump 1.0 has major defects and possible fatalistic flaws. Make sure to have your gear set for the flurry of automatic updates.
Shoot first and aim possibly sometime in the future may seem like a great idea to the Trumpities but he’s not a CEO anymore. He has ‘co-equal’ branches of government that have their say in all matters. And it isn’t their job to clean up his messes post facto.
They need to train him now like a puppy or be stuck with a barking, vicious dog that could turn on all of them.