Ok, you have a decent point.
However I don’t think the German people were reacting like we are.
I feel more like I’m in the Velvet Revolution myself.
Ok, you have a decent point.
However I don’t think the German people were reacting like we are.
I feel more like I’m in the Velvet Revolution myself.
O he came down to dinner
in his Sunday best
excitable boy, excitable boy
and he smeared the pot roast
all over his chest
he’s just an excitable boy…
(apologies to Warren - that’s out of memory, I didn’t look it up)
My daughter may be happy I’m feeling this ornery and cynical.
I may have to buy a horse to play Paul Revere, and she’s always wanted one…
I like it when we all start getting our Ethan Allen on
Wearing furniture? Kinky…
Speaking of Republicans. Why is Ted Cruz still all gung ho on this one? Any ideas tena? Has his spirit been broken? He doesn’t seem to be bucking anything T-rumpus anymore.
Our GOP Senator is on the same page. He stood bravely against the EO and proclaimed "I urge the Administration to take the appropriate steps to fix this overly broad executive order.”
Because, at heart, Alberta Rafael is a reactionary, authoritarian, dominionistic, right wing, douchebag piece of Castro Shit. Who is also a Shiite Baptist
So ok, I’ll tell an Ethan Allen joke that purports to have been on of Abe Lincoln’s favorite jokes.
After the Revolution was over and we were a nation, Ethan Allen went over to Britain to meet with various government ministers and bureaus to talk things over, and a lord invited him to his estate for dinner. Ethan Allen accepted. The lord was very scornful of Americans in general and Ethan Allen in particular, considering both to be rude and uncouth. But they drank and ate and in the fullness of time, Ethan Allen found that nature called and he asked his host to point him to the WC.
The host, trying to hide his smile, led Ethan Allen to the WC and went back to the rest of his guests to await the return of the American. Ethan Allen noticed that there was a portrait of George Washington hung in the WC, where it couldn’t be missed. But he finished what he came to do and went back to join his host. “How did you find the WC?” the host asked, smirking. “Why fine,” said Ethan Allen. Finally the lord couldn’t stand it and said “Great god, man, did you not see the portrait of your great General and President in the WC? What did you think of that?”
“Well,” said Ethan Allen, “I think it is placed where it will serve well. For everyone knows nothing makes an Englishman shit faster than the sight of George Washington.”
Folks here on the Hill were not aware of what was getting ready to happen. People around the world were not aware.
No one expects the Spanish Inquisition.
NASCAR fan Fave Dale Earnhardt Jr. Opposes the Muslim ban.
On Friday afternoon, Donald Trump signed an executive order that banned people from seven predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States. Many, including Dale Earnhardt Jr., are speaking out against it.
I’d make a joke about getting woody, but I won’t…
“what it is they really have initiated.”
Get used to it folks. This kind of obfuscation is going ot be the Bannon administration’s norm.
Brit protests in London, Cardiff, Wales, Edinburgh
The petition to stop NaziFrog vist to the U.K. is up to 1.5 million signatures.
I faxes him, I emailed him, I never even got an automated response, which John Cornyn at least sent me.
I have no idea - neither hide nor hair
They are way over the require threshold for a debate in Parliament.
They are way over
Yea, like 15x
It appears to possibly be Twump-proof ?
The returns for the GOP are diminishing almost hourly at this point.