Discussion: Key GOP Senator: Repealing And Replacing Obamacare Could Take Years

Since govt moves slowly it will probably take twice as long if at all


Gee, do you mean they’ve been lying all this time when they claimed they already had a fully-baked plan of their own just waiting to be implemented?

I’m shocked…


Maybe they will tweak it,call it their own, then brag about how brilliant they are. Who cares as long as it works.


I do. I care a lot. Truth matters and so does allowing evil people to prop themselves up with lies so they can perpetuate their power and thereby enact all sorts of shitstorms upon the little people, the least among us, minorities, the poor, the disabled, etc., all because one thing they did turned out to be ok or didn’t hurt much or whatever. All the other shit they plan will not be ok.




Yes, I know,but if you got a sick kid you would take it anyway you can get it.Obama would not care. He knows that we know what he did,and he is bigger,and better then that.


It’s like they finally bothered to READ the ACA and realized “Oh shit, this is way more complicated and difficult to repeal and replace than we believed.” Like I’ve said before about the current Reps, they don’t legislate they just let the Dems do all the work and then try to obstruct it solely because Dems wrote it.


This is fascinating. I’d love some insight into what this would mean tactically. On the House side, they’ve been promising to use reconciliation to defund the insurance supports and the Medicaid expansion parts of the law, and quibbling over whether or not to provide a couple years’ worth of funding to wind down the program or kill it outright. The way I’m reading this, old Lamar is telling the teaper shitkickers to sit down, shut up and cool their jets for a couple years while the adults in the Senate get their ducks in a line. And if my read is right, no reconciliation means no substantive damage to the law. Anyone with strategic insight wanna weigh in on this?


Hey! That was my idea! You stole it!

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Them too. :slight_smile:

That’s a very smart, pragmatic approach, nemo, and the Dems should use this Medicare issue to hold Town Hall meetings in their home towns just as the T’pubs did with the ACA. Go knock on doors to make sure people participate, secure a venue. Invite the congresscritters, invite the senators, most of all - invite the press.

There should be millions of people who are outraged at the thought of abolishing Medicare, leaving every senior citizen without access to healthcare unless they’re super rich and can afford to pay for all of their own services. That is how this issue should be framed. Forget “privatization”, forget “vouchers”, forget “choice of plans”. Lie about it, create fear and anger, whatever it takes for the 'pubs to see this as the “third rail”. The Dems need to frame it in catastrophic terms - come up with a catch phrase that everyone can repeat. In other words, time to turn the tables.


Fix something called Obamacare? And let there be a possibility that a program which might make people confident and content, not to mention healthy and more economically sound, would be credited to a Dem administration? They throw up at the thought.


They figured that out several years ago. In 2010 Ryan and his cohort ran on the exclusive platform of repeal and replace the ACA. They may all be some form of sociopath, misanthrope or megalomaniac but they aren’t all terminally stupid, which is why “repeal and replace” quickly morphed into “repeal and trust us.” They milked that for several election cycles but now find themselves in the unfortunate position of controlling all branches of the government with no Democratic scapegoat to blame for not doing what they promised to do. All of which makes it amazing that Lamar Alexander can say people with preexisting conditions are going to be able to buy insurance in any replacement plan Republicans put forward but the individual mandate needs to be repealed.


Murkowski is a good bet – she already survived losing a primary to a Tea Party candidate in 2010 and she won anyway as a write-in – she is a badass. Collins also will vote against bad legislation, and she is safer than safe in Maine. So that is two strong contenders off the top of my head – they are more R senators with lots of constituents that depend on Obamacare. Plus Alexander so that’s three already.


So Josh Marshall was sounding the alarm about repealing medicare, medicade and the ACA was this premature? Can they do this and are the Dems are asleep at the switch?

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Most of which they won’t be able to succeed with. Medicare repeal, the Big Beautiful Wall, ACA repeal, Muslim lists, etc aint going anywhere.

Nor are there going to be coal jobs in Appalachia or steel jobs in Youngstown.


Doing away with all premium subsidies and ending Medicaid expansion will lead to HUGE premium increases if the 'pubs want to do your a) and b) above. The healthcare provider community is already freaking out over these possibilities. The healthcare admin community, i.e. health plans, are far less certain what all of this will mean to them and they are PISSED after all of the cost outlays to implement the ACA. They also don’t want the “sick” seniors - at all - as these are the million+ dollar cases. I don’t see how any of this will be seen as a victory for the 'pubs.


Why am I not relieved? Sounds like they don’t want to get rid of the ACA, they want to dump Medicare into the ACA pool. Because insurance companies can’t wait to cover old sick people.


[quote=“wolfpackdem, post:38, topic:47376, full:true”]
Lamar! is actually not a bad dude. He will probably end up against a brick wall with blindfold and cigarette like the rest of us.
[/quote]Alexander has long been a fairly moderate (as far as Republicans go) fellow who will say absolutely anything to get elected. He’s someone whom the Teabaggers must despise.

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If the Republicans hate the mandate so much, why did they insist that it be included in the bill? The entire point of the mandate was to keep the “freeloaders” out. They hate freeloaders, dontchaknow.

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