Discussion: Kelly: Was 'Dark Moment' When O'Reilly Let Trump Attack Me After Blowing Off Debate

Megyn Kelly has (had?) all the tools to be a top-shelf television journalist/interviewer.
She chose to sell them off for proverbial pieces of silver.
The vacuousness of this article is proof-- of the importance of Megyn, to Megyn.


This article proves these right wing folks especially Megyn can sit and appear so sanctimonious at times and talk down to some people,when the fire is reversed they start whining and crying.I am being treated so unfair.

I was dabbing my eyes as I read of her suffering. It pales only in comparison to my suffering having to read about one of the Ailes/Murdoch Whorehouse gang at Fux crying about ‘journalism’ and how they have to stick together. The howler monkeys over at Fux stick together … like the pages of a well used ‘gentleman’s’ magazine.

Poisoned by her own darts.