Apparently Kelly doesn’t understand that both Trump and O’Reilly are draft dodging, coward mommy’s boys who don’t have the balls of a clam! Loyalty means nothing to either of them despite proclamations to the contrary. It’s all about them.
NEW YORK (AP) — Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly is taking notes on who she feels has been supportive in her feud with Donald Trump, and colleague Bill O’Reilly and CNN are both on her list.
This first paragraph's phrasing seems wholly at odds with the remainder of the article.
Oh Megs! The Donald’s “attacks” were just good publicity for you…essentially!
Kelly: “Go ahead! Make my career.”
Trump: “You’re welcome. Now make my lunch.”
Billo’s next ghost-written book ------KillingMegyn
I was so amused when Kelly opined that Trump was “…someone who objectifies women and sees them only as objects.”
FOX News: Fair and Balanced! We Report…
She could, however, simply have serious gas in the photo! wheeeeew! That would be a windsong that would stay on your mind!
Oh gawd…now this woman is just trying to milk this thing to death. We’ve all forgotten about you and your endless squabbles with tRump. You’re really not that fucking important.
He’s a coward. We know.
In the future, save yourself some embarrassment by sparing us your “dark” moments.
I really feel for her… oh wait… no I don’t.
The one-cheek-sneak in that photo was yuuuuuuge!
One bull shit artist criticising another!,Rich.
My thoughts on Megyn, well to use her own words “The girl was no saint either”.
She definitely needs a good spanking.
But you’re still working for the company that licks his balls and does his bidding 24 hours a day.
Aaaaaaaw, cry me another fucking river, honey.
I thought the same thing, apparently spell-checker passes for proofreading here.
But, in the end, she will retreat to the warm, loving embrace of her massive FOX News paychecks and it will make it all better.
Hey, go easy. We all have dark moments. Megan I hear gets by her dark moments by going into her banking statement and staring at that 15 mill net worth number. And then she’s fine, oh sooo fine.
First paragraph doesn’t make sense.
“The Proofreading” - Stephen King 2016 Simon & Schuster
A seemingly tranquil press shop in Chelsea, NYC, is haunted by a series of “incedents”