Discussion: Kelly: Was 'Dark Moment' When O'Reilly Let Trump Attack Me After Blowing Off Debate

Trump has treated her horribly, but she’s gone off the deep end.

She wants solidarity from CNN?? Hilarious! Does she even know who she works for?? Would Fox ever show “solidarity” on any level with anyone who wasn’t a right wing shill?

And as regards to O’Reilly, he’s a jerk, but he doesn’t owe her anything. Doesn’t she already get a multi-million dollar paycheck? Sorry to say, it comes with the territory. Deal with it.

Can you imagine if Obama or Hillary whined like this? Fox would be the first to tell them to grow up.


You are partly right. With Billo and Trump (esp. Trump) it is all about therm. To an epic level. But loyalty is VERY important to The Donald. Cross him and he will do his damnedest to ruin that person. He says so himself. He trusts no one. Revenge is a prime motivation for him. These are terrible characteristics for a President. We have seen these characteristics on full display this whole season. Add to that a seriously flawed understanding of government and statecraft and you have the makings of an awesomely serious potential disaster.


I have been making almost the same point as her. the media should have stood together and didn’t give Trump the power that he now has. Because you have to know that what he does to Fox he will do to CNN…he is a bully and the more power you give him the more he will take. Media blew this for ratings As CBS President said…Trump may not be good for country but he is good for CBS


I can appreciate why Ms Kelly is so disappointed in Mr. Reilly’s failure to defend her, especially considering his prominent role in standing up for women’s rights, as any woman who has any kind of substantial contact, or, for that matter, relationship will no doubt tell you right after this pause:



Deafening silence.

And he lost custody of his kids to his ex.

What a piece of work.

I think money keeps him warm at night. Kelly needs to rethink her priorities and her sense of worth.

Trump has certainly helped turn her world upsidedown.

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“Only run over by one wheel of the bus” is “supportive” if you’re a woman at Fox.

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I really wish that those clowns at Faux News, and Megan Kelly in particular, would stop putting me into positions where I feel like I have to agree with Megan Kelly. It produces a vertiginous sense of cognitive dissonance.


Kelly said. “'This is about journalism …”

Then it obviously can’t have been about FOX News.

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Being from the South I knew what that sentence meant: that would be her “shit list.”

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"There should have been a moment of solidarity among journalists that night to say, ‘We will not allow ourselves to be bullied by a presidential front runner, even one as powerful and as ahead in the polls at that point as Trump was,’" Kelly said. "'This is about journalism and the First Amendment, and we will put the debate moderator out on the stage that we think is appropriate.’ And I think it’s a slippery slope when we don’t stand shoulder to shoulder in those moments."

I’ve never been a Kelly fan, but I will say I support her side in this “dust up.” That said, I don’t understand where she feels she has any legitimate beef with CNN. For god sake, woman, they are your ratings competitor – so they will do whatever they feel garners them the best ratings … FOX Entertainment and you, yourself, have done this for years. So, I think any beef you have with CNN in this regard is only in your own mind. Additionally, you barely–and I do mean barely–meet the definition of a “journalist,” so your fee-fees being hurt is just a way for you to take a slap at CNN. With regards to Bill O’Reilly, that’s between you two.


That is a vast amount of wasted faith or ignorant foolishness, you pick-we’ll report.

I hope she isn’t holding her breath waiting on Big Bird Oreilly’s ego to give in or for CNN to do the right thing.

The Trump thing is a win/win for Kelly with the side benefit of finding out who doesn’t have her back. I’ll bet that once the hoopla dies down, about the end of the primaries, that she takes another shot at Trump

Oh, that’s just silly! Clams don’t have balls!
Wait… yeah, I see what you did there…

Kelly said. “'This is about journalism and the First Amendment.”

Oh Megyn, Megyn…
When has Faux News EVER been about journalism?

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Being from the South I knew what that sentence meant: that would be her “shit list.”

It means the same thing in Alaska…

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Was that pose supposed to be sexy? Do straight men find it sexy when their hot girl reaches her ass cheek far up into the air to let rip a burrito fart? (Or was she just fucked a good session in her own backdoor and was letting out a fuck fart? She shouldn’t do that after just putting on a clean nighty. She should also check that chair.)

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That has got to be the perfect caricature of Me-gyn.

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Honestly, what did she expect ?
She should know O’Reilly (and the rest of the FOX males) are extremely unpleasant and stupid persons…

I imagine that it will be a FAR 'darker moment", Meg, if you ever realize that you sold your soul.

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And exactly how was this about the first amendment? Did Congress pass a law prohibiting Fox from defending her? Was CNN legally prohibited from taking a stand on it?

A total liar. It gave her publicity which she craves, no matter the source.