Good Lord, he’s a babysitter but we knew that was the job he accepted.
These things take time, you see. It’s like turning a supertanker. A mentally ill, deeply stupid, infantile supertanker.
So what’s this matter, as long as Trump can still get his stubby fngers on the TV remote and on his phone?
I think that will have the same effect as a buttplug would have on Mr. Creosote. When the dam bursts, it will be an epic fucking stink.
And his TV and Twitter feed? What are you going to do about those? How about the neighbor kids who are teaching him all those bad words?
I think you can make the case that Trump is already worse with Kelly as CoS. He cannot stand to be bossed.
Not sure people are seeing the full implication here. The chief of staff, an unelected and unconfirmed positio and a retired General, is now controlling what information the President of the US sees and therefore has a single greater influence on policy than anyone else. (Every single piece implies things like the Presidential Daily Brief and National Security Updates)
Given it is Kelley and Trump, I am understanding the necessity, but that’s a scary scary situation overall.
actually I think this is a pretty normal function for the CoS.
“If you’re not on the list, you can’t get into the meeting.”
So Kislyak’s still on the list?
A setup which may only be made possible by the firing or non-hiring of staff who might write Policy Papers. And he’s still going to have time to, umm, manage the staff?
In stead of ‘Flying Across Trump’s Desk’ shouldn’t it be "In the Rack Next to Trump’s Toilet’?
All of you nattering nabobs of negativism with your negativity. We are obviously on the brink of a Big Pivot to leaderly presidentialness
Trump’s, of course, highly interested in Ivanka’s first big affair and has asked the NSA to aim a spy satellite exclusively at the young man to both watch and sterilize him…
Who is it rumored to be? Does the man look like Justin Trudeau?!
Say, your avatar, is that a Golden Eagle? Snow leopard before, wasn´t it?
Yes on both counts. Both of them are hunters native to Kazakhstan.
Yeah that might work if he didn’t have to go out in public
It’s like trying to block the vent of an active volcano with a large supply of Charmin™.