Discussion: Kelly 'Stunned' That Dem Rep. Criticized Trump's Call To Soldier's Widow

Kelly is career military. One thing I watched as a VN era draftee is that the only way you advance in the military is to kiss up. This is just another fine example of that.


Is anyone else appalled at this idea that you have to know a gold star family to ask a question? Looking around the room “Someone who knows a gold star family member…? Yes you there, do you know one?”

This is all becoming insanely militaristic and authoritarian and how easily reporters fall in line with it is more than a little disturbing.

Yes this general’s long service is worth honoring, at the appropriate time and place, and so is that of others including those who died. This on the other hand is a time for journalists to get information from our government officials, to do their jobs in other words.


I am kind of stunned that this yahoo decided to chastise the press rather than answer the question of why our troops are in Niger. If this was Hillary, Trey Gowdy would already be holding hearings.

I’m sick and tired of everything and EVERYONE in this administration and we don’t need ANY EFFING GENERALS giving White House pressers. That’s third world banana republic it’s just a complete surprise he wasn’t wearing his uniform with 8" high epaulets and his Captain Crunch hat.

And by the way General Asshat - that soldier was a constituent of that Congresswoman. She had every right to an opinion about President Moron telling his mother he “knew what he signed up for.”

It’s time to flip the Congress so we can IMPEACH and CONVICT everyone from Trump down to Sessions.

This stain on America must be washed away. NOW


Maybe he is using that dildo on the ewe.


I am—yet what I am none cares or knows;
My friends forsake me like a memory lost:
I am the self-consumer of my woes—
They rise and vanish in oblivious host,
Like shadows in love’s frenzied stifled throes
And yet I am, and live—like vapours tossed

Into the nothingness of scorn and noise,
Into the living sea of waking dreams,
Where there is neither sense of life or joys,
But the vast shipwreck of my life’s esteems;
Even the dearest that I loved the best
Are strange—nay, rather, stranger than the rest.

I long for scenes where man hath never trod
A place where woman never smiled or wept
There to abide with my Creator, God,
And sleep as I in childhood sweetly slept,
Untroubling and untroubled where I lie
The grass below—above the vaulted sky.


He kept calling him “your guy” in the phone conversation.

I mean jesus christ! Kelly is beyond despicable.


“He was doing exactly what he wanted to do when he was killed,” Mr. Kelly recalled. “He knew what he was getting into by joining that one percent. He knew what the possibilities were, because we were at war.”

He took a breather by going to Arlington to collect his thoughts.

@tena There was a clip of moron talking about the widow. He never used her name, called her a lovely woman or something, but never used her name. He doesn’t know it like he doesn’t know her husband’s name and will never care enough to learn them.


It’s also worth noting that Trump and his spokesperson yesterday both swore that Trump never said these things that Kelly is excusing as perfectly okay to have said.


We’re not at war in or with Niger. The public is owed an explanation.
I don’t think I’ve been madder since last Nov 8—and that’s saying something.
I guess what bothers and scares me is that I am seeing the next step of fascism, in which the military explicitly aligns itself with the political goals and values of the ruler.


So obvious that it went right past me but you’re right - we’re not at war so what kind of shit is kelly talking “he knew because we’re at war.”


OK, I am stunned that Kelly would defend that SHIT GIBBON.
Well…maybe not…it depends on avarice, hunger for power, etc.


Obviously he is deflecting. This is an attempt to turn the media’s attention on Congresswoman Wilson. That is what you would expect Trump to do. This response confirms the worst interpretations of Trump’s actual words. He really lacked empathy when he talked to the widow, it wasn’t just him stumbling to find the right words.


“Women were sacred and looked upon with great honor. That’s obviously not the case anymore as we’ve seen from recent cases.

Unless, of course, they tried to leave the home and get a job. Those woman are damn feminists out to destroy society. Also, there weren’t any boorish, sexist men around when he was growing up? Please, Mr. Kelly, STFU.


I Googled Why Is US In Niger, got a few hits. The official name of the mission is AFRICOM, which means we know more than moron knows about it.


Let’ see, it took 12 days for Kelly to convince Trump to call the family of a slain soldier, but only 2 days for Kelly himself to turn on that family to defend the President.

Kelly needs to get his priorities straight that his duty, as an ex-soldier and as Chief of Staff is to the Country, not the President.


I agree and I’m beginning to think it’s part of a bigger coverup.

What happened in Niger and what were they doing there and who sent them?


The choice of replacements is a pretty low bar for deciding who is and is not a village idiot, don’t you think?

It would be easier to decide who’s a better clown: Larry Harmon (Bozo) or Willard Scott (Ronald McDonald)?


True dat.

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Here is where we are.

Because of how inhuman and uncaring a human being Trump really is, a distinguished Marine General has been forced to destroy his career and his personal credibility. Kelly cannot redeem himself. His only out is to resign in shame and retire for good.

The Marines cannot be proud tonight but know who is to blame. Once again Trump destroys another. And makes us ALL less for it.


What the hell it is just another military death, we have been throwing them away since the Korean War.
Eisenhower has warned us about the Military Industrial Complex. We need to take a breather, and figure out just why we are spending 700 bln a year and wasting not only our own lives but those of the Nations we are involved in.

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