Discussion: Kelly 'Stunned' That Dem Rep. Criticized Trump's Call To Soldier's Widow

Hey, Kelly. Calm down. It could’ve been worse. – she could have been extolling her crowd size in front of a wall of fallen heroes!

The hypocrisy is galling.


I gotta check out that segment. Thanks.

For some damn reason General Kelly reminds me of that movie, The Great Santini.

Yes, and also when it comes to the media, when it comes to Obama hatred, when it comes to women (did you hear his “women were sacred” comment today?)…

Kelly has been a fuckin’ moron fanboy, has been on board with the moron’s agenda and has loyally executed the agenda as he sees it. In many ways today was just another confirmation of where his loyalty lies.


See Maddow’s opening segment on tonights show (10/19). She can not contain her disgust at the end of the segment.

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Hope you also hot to see Maddow tonight.

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I said it yesterday and I’ll say it again today. I’ve got no more fucks to give to Kelly. He just repoliticized his own son’s death to defend the anti-American monstrosity that’s Trump. You’re done in my mind, Kelly, and no better than the traitor you serve.


No, I missed it when it happened. I’m glad I did too. Spent most of the day outside and then ran errands. Just read about it tonight and watched the primetime shows on MSNBC to catch up. I feel like everyday is an escalation of outrage from the previous day, with rarely a break of calm, sanity or commonsense intervening. I’m truly exhausted by it all…It’s depressing.

tRump needs to go…He needs to be impeached. Other than that…I got nuthin’.


You’re stunned. WE’RE stunned that this political stunt has gone on as long as it has with all of you in the WH enabling the Liar-in-Chief. This country ‘used to respect women’? When was that and why did you THEN casually demean the Congresswomen with the ‘nosy woman’ stereotype? It pretty damn sad that you are willing to throw away your reputation for a sleazy liar that doesn’t deserve it.


I’m a cop. I have a bachelor’s degree.

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Josh’s latest is a must read. Kelly did not have his facts right about Rep. Wilson. He needs to resign now. He disgraced himself.


A lot of larger urban police forces require a BA I believe. I think Dallas does. I don’t find that unusual, I thought It was pretty normal.

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Marlowe, you absolutely nail it referencing Kelly’s DHS track record. Kelly was the POS at DHS who actually suggested separating mothers and children from Central America at the Southern Border for the transparently bogus reason of:

“deter[ing] more movement along this terribly dangerous network” through Central America and Mexico. He framed it as a way to help them: “I would do almost anything to deter the people from Central America to getting on this very, very dangerous network that brings them up through Mexico into the United States.”

Reminds me of the SS separating families at certain train platforms in Poland IYKWIMAITYD.

His fascistic tendencies are never far below the surface.


:clap: :clap:
The General’s moral pontification is staggeringly debasing - enough to rouse-up all saints in the Vatican’s grotto.

Lawrence O’Donnell’s smack-down was pitch-perfect. Witness the notorious and rampant beating of wives in the General’s old, catholic neighborhood!

Gotta be carrying elephant-size cajones, to bold-face lie about the sacred position of women.


Another take down by Joy Reid.


Kelly was stunned that she listened in on the call !
John Boy , the phone was on speaker so EVERYONE could hear what was said .
Not forgetting that there were people in the room with Grumpy ( quoting Sarah ) that heard what Grumpy said as well .


If Trump hadn’t lied in the first place, if he’d simply said, “What I said came out poorly, I didn’t mean for it to sound that way and I apologize for unintentionally hurting the family,” even those of who hate the bastard would have had some measure of respect and sympathy for him. None of us would want to be the person making such a phone call. This whole thing would have ended two days ago.

As for General Kelly, I’m sorry his personal grief and loss were politicized, but, what he said was even worse than Trump’s fumbled attempt at condolences. Kelly wasn’t speaking directly to the wife of a man who had died on his watch, as Trump was. Kelly was in a position to calm the waters, and he chose, instead, to whip up a storm.

To top it all off, he was completely condescending to all who are not Gold Star families during his press conference. Someone needs to remind General Kelly that the USA is not a feudal society; the warrior class is not more privileged and honored than the rest of us. That sort of thinking is dangerous and it needs to end now.


Great article. Thanks for the link.

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From the Lexicon Of Phrases One Should Never Use In The Vicinity Of Donald Trump

It should be a requirement, but in many areas it isn’t.

OTOH, one of the best officers I know has just a high school education (he also listens to Rush and thinks Trump can do no wrong, but that’s another conversation).

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