Discussion: Keillor: Minnesota Public Radio Did Not Fully Investigate Allegations

I’m still trying to figure out where lies the bravery in coming forward if you want to hide behind anonymity and/or an unassailable presumption of guilt.

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Yep, making sure to score the scalp-trophy was what mattered.

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I suppose we’ll see. After he raped the X-Men IP with horrible movies, it might be true.

I’m not sure appearing to gloat over another person being accused is all that becoming though.

Well, I did say upstream we don’t know what actually happened, and the background knowledge we have and reasoning we can do only suggests things. Looks like MPR isn’t eager to be specific but if Keillor sues, there you are.

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Public radio has fired people over hype before, only to find out it was unfounded hype later. We’ll see. When you run your business off of donations, it is easy to jump the gun to protect the income. I just saw Keillor’s travelling show a few weeks ago, so I definitely am biased. But if he’s lying, let him rot.


I agree with Cervantes. More importantly, it seems not to matter what exactly the accusers say. Media reports quickly escalate to the click-word of the day – be it “harassment”, “abuse”, “assault”, even “accused”. And formerly reasonable personnel policies of not discussing accusations in public, feed this ignorance. Without a reasonable scale for evaluating the significance of allegations (even if assumed true), this becomes a moral swamp. I would call the present moment “hysteria” but I am aware of the misogynistic origins of that term, and would appreciate suggestions of an alternative.

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And that by itself does not increase my confidence level about the legitimacy of their accusations.

Yes, this.

And one could have asked why the CBC fired Jian Gomeshi, but the executives did because there were so many credible accusers whose testimony systematically fell apart during trial. I suggest you do some investigating into this parallel situation and also learn what an a priori logical fallacy is.

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You’re mistaken if you think I’m gloating. Every day there’s another announcement of another man doing something sexually inappropriate, he’s today’s. BTW, I still think Spacey’s a fine actor, what he’s accused of is separate and apart from his talent.


Indeed. It’s the shifting, unpredictable standards that are troubling. Here’s the woman who was traumatized and scarred for life because Al Franken put his hand on her waist. So which Tina Dupuy was it who asked Franken for a selfie? The one who’s now making accusations, or the one in this photo? Um, she’s the one on the left.

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Te Reign of Terror is in full swing. All it takes to kill a career is for someone to be denounced. It matters not what the seriousness or accuracy of the accusation is, it is off with their heads. And through the spectacle Madam Defarge sets and knits “Me Too” on her creation.

It is sad that it has come to this because the problem of sexual harassment is real in many situations. The result of this revolution will be as with all that fall into a reign of terror, a Thermidorian Reaction in which society will become so repulsed by the "Terror that we will fall back into silence and the harassment will come back bigger and more repulsive than ever.

It is a shame that this movement has spun out of control and there seems to be no turning back to the rule of reason and law.


It sure is Madam Defarge

They may not by lying. However, I think it’s plausible that they may be extremely sensitive regarding PR, considering how Republicans continually threaten to cut off the governmental portion of public broadcasting funding. They may want to avoid any hint of covering up the alleged transgressions of a liberal icon, considering who runs Congress these days.


Yes, it’s called the judicial branch.

But you’re asking the wrong question. The threshold is not whether there IS due process, but whether there SHOULD be. The answer is YES unless you’re a complete douchebag. Follow up questions, such as to what extent, what process, how do we implement it, how do we balance the very real interest in preventing victims from being further victimized by the process versus the accused’s and public’s interest in making sure such processes are fair and just…whatever…should absolutely be part of this discussion, but that’s being shut down completely by the vengeful, opportunistic fucking circus this has become.


If you haven’t read this, you need to.
Written by a woman, by the way.



“Frenzy” works, I think, certainly as well as any other single-word alternative.


I see you had so much success with this comment yesterday you rolled it out again today.


I don’t think they’re lying. But they may be overreacting.

The thing is, if they see a public smear campaign and boycott coming over this it doesn’t matter if the allegations are true or not. They’ve got to get ahead of the issue. Sacrificing their flagship might be better than losing the whole fleet. And in any case, he’s semi-retired, the new host of PHC isn’t new anymore and has his own following, and changing the name but keeping the timeslot isn’t going to kill the show.


What if it’s a quiet room and you need to get her attention without saying anything?

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