Discussion: Keillor: Minnesota Public Radio Did Not Fully Investigate Allegations

It sure is Madam Defarge

They may not by lying. However, I think it’s plausible that they may be extremely sensitive regarding PR, considering how Republicans continually threaten to cut off the governmental portion of public broadcasting funding. They may want to avoid any hint of covering up the alleged transgressions of a liberal icon, considering who runs Congress these days.


Yes, it’s called the judicial branch.

But you’re asking the wrong question. The threshold is not whether there IS due process, but whether there SHOULD be. The answer is YES unless you’re a complete douchebag. Follow up questions, such as to what extent, what process, how do we implement it, how do we balance the very real interest in preventing victims from being further victimized by the process versus the accused’s and public’s interest in making sure such processes are fair and just…whatever…should absolutely be part of this discussion, but that’s being shut down completely by the vengeful, opportunistic fucking circus this has become.


If you haven’t read this, you need to.
Written by a woman, by the way.



“Frenzy” works, I think, certainly as well as any other single-word alternative.


I see you had so much success with this comment yesterday you rolled it out again today.


I don’t think they’re lying. But they may be overreacting.

The thing is, if they see a public smear campaign and boycott coming over this it doesn’t matter if the allegations are true or not. They’ve got to get ahead of the issue. Sacrificing their flagship might be better than losing the whole fleet. And in any case, he’s semi-retired, the new host of PHC isn’t new anymore and has his own following, and changing the name but keeping the timeslot isn’t going to kill the show.


What if it’s a quiet room and you need to get her attention without saying anything?

Well, at least the title is accurate about “accused of sexual assault”. And the body of the article describes the specifics of the charge, the denial by the accused, the location and general character of the surroundings, and a glimpse of possibly related events dismissed one at a time. Good reporting by NPR. Good addition to the discussion, littlegirlblue.

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Glad to hear it. Chalk that one up to Poe’s Law then or whatever.

Every day there’s another announcement of another man BEING ACCUSED OF doing something sexually inappropriate



For a theory not backed by evidence, yours is really not bad at all!

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Thanks, Cervantes. For hysteria, read “Frenzy” throughout (everywhere, everybody). Senior moment.

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I personally thought so. Just the facts, ma’am. That’s me.

I entirely agree and never said otherwise. The idea that we should always believe the accusers and instantly throw men out of their positions has been ascribed to me by others. I do not repeat do not hold that position myself. The problem here is we’ve been voting in people who are admitted or proven harassers, molesters, and assaulters and a lot of women are getting sick of it and speaking out. Things like this can take on a life of their own and sweep up the innocent or mostly innocent and I’ve said that too. We need a saner way to prevent this stuff and adjudicate it when it happens. I’ve seen at least anecdotally this was being taken seriously in recent years in a way it wasn’t a generation ago. Unfortunately it still often comes down to whom you believe. And here’s the thing that we’re all yelling about: I don’t want to disbelieve reflexively just because the target is a Democrat. I don’t want to do what they do. There’s a consensus here that thinks I’m wrong to feel that way. Fine. But I’m here to tell you out in the world it’s a more balanced discussion.


It’s not too far off the mark—and just dramatic enough to read again.


What bothers and worries me is someday some person, female or male, is going to accuse a politician or a celebrity or someone else famous and in the news, of groping and harassment or worse, and the media is going to jump on it 24 hours a day, and that person accused is going to be castigated and lose their political station or their livelihood, and then later on it will be revealed that the accuser is nuts or vindictive but was never vetted for the accusations because it has gotten to the point that anything thrown out there is red meat for the press and the public or any enemies of the person accused.
But what really worries me is not what can happen to the victim of this, which would be an outright tragedy, but what would happen to whole movement of people finally coming forward with their tales of being abused by people who think that they have a right to do so because of the power they perceive they have over other people. After some accusations are proven to be unfounded or outright lies, how long is it going to be before the press and the public starts ignoring the stories of harassment once more? And you know that people who are guilty of these offenses are going to be using these false claims to sleaze their own skanky asses out of any charges.
I am really glad that women, and some men, are coming forward, just as I was so glad that victims of child sexual abuse started coming forward in the 1980s after the TV-drama “Something About Amelia”, which opened the floodgates to peoples personal stories of being sexually abused as children, which also finally led to the exposure of pedophile priests.
But I do not want this much-needed movement of harassment victims to lead to a McMartin Pre-school witch hunt fiasco, which not only terrorized and persecuted people who were innocent, but also trivialized the suffering of actual victims of sexual abuse.


If other stations dropped PHC over this it wouldn’t matter how upstanding MPR and it’s board are and what the right thing is. It’s a national show; that’s the market for those golden eggs.

If there were a place that guilty until proven innocent should prevail, it would be the motion picture industry. It’s been a well known colossal cesspool forever. It’s really not comparable to regular life.

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