Discussion: Karen Handel: 'I Do Not Support A Livable Wage' (VIDEO)

I’m skeptical that this statement by Handel by itself dooms her chances—it depends entirely on the political demographic makeup of the district.

The issue of what constitutes an acceptable minimum wage is one of the litmus tests that define whether somebody is a conservative or a liberal. All of us here think the philosophy underlying her statement is entirely reprehensible, but Republicans and conservatives tend to be exactly opposite to our thinking; opposition to raising the minimum wage has been a core attribute of Republican governance as long as I can remember back to the 1960s, and a substantial part of the American electorate shares that view.

The problem for Ossoff is the same problem all Democrats across the country face: a significant portion of the alleged Democratic “base” does not actually show up in the voting booth in non-Presidential years, regardless of circumstance, and regardless of pre-election polling. For that reason alone I believe Handel will win in a squeaker. Hope I’m wrong, as she’s simply vile.


Yeah. Turning them.


Trump: NoRating for Karen a I doubt Karen is even a “She”.

Congratulations on blowing the election, Karen.

Theresa May would like to hire you as a strategist for her next election campaign.

If you’ve not read THE PARABLE OF THE TRIBES (by Schmookler), you owe it to yourself to read it. It will dispel the misconceptions you seem to have about what tribalism really is, how it effects entire regions of the globe and why it is precisely NOT a “both sides do it” proposition. In fact, it explicitly destroys the idea that all tribes simply have a self-preservation or survival motivation. It delves deeply into why tribalism is not at all simply one point of view versus another; and it highlights what happens when one rogue, marauding tribe breaks the social contract with neighboring tribes and harms the greater peace and good for its own enrichment and dominance. That perfectly sums up what “the 1%”, conservatives and the GOP do to an otherwise united nation of fellow Americans. So, it is a totally false equivalency that you glibly state. I’m pretty sure you will not take time to read the book because a thoughtless post like yours suggests your intention was to simply fling verbal feces rather than move the conversation forward.


Wealth over work.

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For a reason
One party is against Democracy
You see what moderation gets you
A stolen supreme court seat and Trump in the White House
And reflect for a minute
Florida with a Republican Super majority and they are now in a special session because they can’t agree with themselves
California has a Democratic Supermajority and they are leading the nation on Environmental and many other issues
Sorry I lost my patience and kumbya with Republicans some time ago
If that’s tribal pardon us


And she’ll still win. Why? Because of the subtext. The full quote, as heard by many Georgians, is as follows:

“I don’t support a livable wage for certain people…”

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About 700K people, 70% white, 13.5% black, 13.5% hispanic…seems about average and representative of the national breakdown…

I hold out small hope for Ossoff’s chances. Solid red since Gingrich (1979) and solid red since 2000 in POTUS elections (maybe before?), with approximately 70% going to the GOP candidates. Small surprise there…


Walmart low-wage employees are recipients of $6.2 billion in gov’t assistance.
Cheap chinese-made crap is not really that cheap.

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I was not writing about the the behavior of tribes as social organizations; I was writing about the behavior of human beings as individuals within tribes. Big big difference.

The book sounds interesting. The accusations of that my “intention was to simply fling verbal feces rather than move the conversation forward” was both unnecessary and wrong.

If we don’t figure out how to address tribalism at the level of the individual voter, then gerrymandering will dictate party-government control, regardless of what else.

We can’t move the Democratic party forward if we’re not allowed to criticize it or offer suggestions about root causes of the problems. What we’ve been doing hasn’t been working.

Wow. Karen Handel sounds like another classic GOP stooge ready to rubber stamp every bit of Donald Trump/Paul Ryan garbage that will destroy Americans! I bet those nitwits are lining up to vote for her! She sounds like a nasty cooze.

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I don’t think she could make it more obvious that voting for her is against your best interest.

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She isn’t so much “stating a view” as “displaying her ignorance”. They just happened to coincide!

Yeah, Karen that worked so well in Kansas…She deserves to lose if she has contempt for wage earners

“I do not support a livable wage.”

“Livable”. Not “living”. Livable.

Adjective: liveable; WORTH LIVING; enjoyable.

Synonyms: BEARABLE, ENDURABLE, TOLERABLE bearable, supportable, sufferable, (of an environment or climate) fit to LIVE in: “one of the most livable cities in the world”

Translated: “I do not support a wage that make life ENDURABLE. If it is a life not worth living, I don’t support it." (“And I get to make that decision, you peasant”, she didn’t add.)

Well…maybe she is correct. That sounds pretty Republican to me!

No even worse, he said that “people EARN too much money”! Preposterous!

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At least she’s honest. Perhaps voters with little self-interest will reward her for that.

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Here’s the thing - half of the fuckers who will vote for Handel would benefit from a “livable wage”. The brilliance of the Republican Party is the ability to convince people to vote against their own best interests.