Tech companies are doing what they can, but like many other organizations are somewhat overwhelmed by the pace at which crazy stuff is happening. I work for one of the larger tech companies (I won’t mention which, but you know the name, and obviously all opinions expressed are my own etc…) and have seen the reactions internally as everybody tries to work out how to deal with what is happening right now.
A couple of observations:
Larger companies, including tech companies, have systems in place that make it very difficult for them to respond to events very quickly with public comment. This is deliberate; in the normal course of business they don’t want to release something publicly which inadvertently is offensive to some group or culture (possibly anywhere in the world) so there are procedures to do review before releasing anything. Naturally, this takes a while.
Secondly, when stuff like this happens there are a lot of practical issues they’re dealing with, like making sure they’re providing whatever assistance might be needed by those directly impacted. Thinking, for instance, back to the travel ban that was imposed without notice on a Friday: everybody in the tech industry was scrambling to figure out which of their employees might be stranded and what needed to happen to get them home. Getting out a public statement about it took a back seat while that was worked on, but we (along with most of the tech industry) did at the same time have lawyers working on amicus briefs to be filed in the various lawsuits.
TL;DR: don’t assume that just because there aren’t immediate public responses to events, that tech companies aren’t horrified by what’s going on or figuring out what to do about it. They’re just dealing with a pace of events that they’re not set up to deal with.
Why is it that members of the party of “personal Responsibility” always refuse to take Responsibility? Could it be that its all bullshit? That in reality they are the party of bullshit? Obviously they’ve elected the king of bullshit as their leader so that must be it, they are the party of bullshit and Trump is their king.
But Sunayana Dumala, Kuchibhotla’s widow, said on Friday that she needs “an answer from the government” about how it plans to stop violence.
“I have a question in my mind: Do we belong?” she said at a news
conference. "What are they going to do to stop this hate crime?”
Ma’am what I can say is …You do most certainly belong here. And after Sean Spicer’s …ahem… less than empathic statement and trump’s many xenophobic and heartless comments the US administration owes you and your family and the other gentleman who was injured and his family a heart felt and public apology for their …less than human caring.
The troglodyte who did the shooting deserves to rot in prison
And they didn’t serve alcohol on Sunday while going through Kansas on the Super Chief. ISTR there was even some question whether they could do so on planes overflying Kansas, but it could have been one of my father’s little mental exercises to have me consider it back in 1954. (He loved to play thinking games. He also loved to argue a point, convince you, then switch sides. Talk about two Jews, three opinions; he’d turn it into a handful.)
I didn’t need to be much or overtly political. A brief note mourning their loss, saying that they were valued members of the team, and saying that the loss affects all at Garmin. PR folk are good at this. A very public death seems to call for a public response even if it is a bit formulaic.
Trump lives in a bubble of wealth and privilege us ordinary folk don’t understand you see. The little people don’t matter. Not to him anyway.
Trump encouraged violence at his rallies several times and did not care the snippits were rebroadcast. Why would he change now? He has a pathological hatred of some kinds of people. Especially if they might be Muslim. He has archived his sayings on his own website. He really is quite proud of it all
So Trump could use this as a teaching moment for his drooling followers. I don’t think so. When folks say that we should be kind to trump supporters… I remember stuff like this and know they should all be held accountable for making murder ok for his demented folks.
No One Word from trump on this shooting.
Even if, they answered that, yes the were in the country illegally, Barney Fife had no authority to even detain them let alone start popping caps.
Being drunk is no excuse either.
He was sober enough to ask and sober enough to shoot 3 different people without being taken down and he was sober enough to get to another bar and be served more alcohol.
Plus, the basic premise of going into the bar is to get inebriated. He knew he had a gun and he knew that he would be getting drunk.
There is zero justification and this dude needs to rot in prison for eternity at least and then get the electric chair.
This is an absolute shame and hate crime (at best) at worst it’s terrorism (although they won’t label it as such).
In other news I was watching MSNBC this afternoon (I think it was MSNBC) and they mentioned that Mohammed Ali’s son was stopped by Immigration and asked about his religion on a flight back from Jamaica. So they’re basically stopping/detaining anyone with the wrong name/religion no matter their status.